Let's talk about Family


Hi! I'm Shannon Beck and let me begin to say I'm not in the pictures, but I have 6 kids, 17 grand kids, & 3 great grand babies.  I love crafts, shop e-bay & Bingo.  The three to the left is my son in law now a grand pa of 2 & one due  in December.  These are some of the great grand babies, Brylee & Tristen. 

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Hello I am Mimi & Lori

Hello My Name is Brylee


Brylee again and my cousin Tristen to left

Hello My Name is Tristen


Tristen again they keep sticking Me and my Cousin Brylee  in the Laundry Baskets
We are not dirty  Please do not wash us

Lori & Nanda  Looks like they been in the  Rum?  Last family reunion