Welcome to Gracious Living, a site for Christian women who want to bring grace and beauty into their lives and the lives of those around them. If this is your first time visiting, let me extend a warm welcome to you. The contents of our site are featured at the left, and you can always return to this main page by clicking on the logo at the top. Look for the "shining gems" for more original Gracious Living pages within each section. In addition, please feel free to send me an email or sign my guestbook. If you have any suggestions for features you would like to see in the future, I am always looking for ideas. I will try my best to respond to you as soon as I can. Please make yourself at home, and enjoy browsing at your leisure.
I am delighted to announce a new website Antiquitea Flair which features gifts, recipes and more related to the gracious art of teatime. Click on the link to visit!