Do you know why
we eat turkey and
pumpkin pie on
Thanksgiving Day?
A long time ago, people
called the Pilgrims
came to America.
After their first
harvest, they were
so thankful to have a
new land and enough
food to eat, that they
planned a special day
for giving thanks to God.

To celebrate, they
had a big dinner of the food
that they found in
their new land.
For part of their
dinner, the Pilgrim fathers killed
fat, funny-looking
birds that made a "gobble, gobble" noise. They were the first Thanksgiving
Day turkeys.
For dessert, the Pilgrim
mothers made a pudding out of pumpkins. Those puddings were the first
Thanksgiving Day pumpkin "pies."
Today, you eat turkey
and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving Day just as the Pilgrims did many years
ago. |