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Kalki Maha Avatar
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Messages from Ashramam
"Beleive It or Not"
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News Letter
Nov 15, 1999
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Monday, September 20, 1999


The last and final incarnation of Paramapurusha
fulfilling the mysterious plan of God in establishing
"Dharma Yugam" (Rama Rajyam)


Kalki Maha Avatar, the Tenth Incarnation of Lord Narayana has manifested as GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA (R. PAULASEER LAWRIE MUTHUKRISHNA), the Founder of Manujothi Ashram near Mukkudal on the outskirts of Tambraparni River in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu, fulfilling all the concerned prophecies of the relevant Vedic Scriptures. After awarding deathless life (Eternal Life) to all His disciples and after establishing the DHARMA YUGAM, the kingdom of Heaven on earth, He, the Paramapurusha has ascended back to His Original Abode in Glory! We are awaiting His glorious reappearance very soon.

Veda Vyasa, the Compiler of the four Vedas and the author of the eighteen Puranas has prophesied in the Scriptures that Lord Narayana, the God of Kali Yuga will appear on the outskirts of Tambraparni River in Dravida Desham wherein flow the rivers Cauvery and the Vaigai, and He will establish the Dharma Rajyam. These rivers flow only in Tamil Nadu and the Manujothi Ashram near Mukkudal, of Tirunelveli is located on the outskirts of the Tambraparni River. These evidences clearly indicate that the Founder of Manujothi Ashram, GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA is the PARAMAPURUSHA, who, fulfilling the prophecy of Veda Vyasa, has come in these last days as KALKI MAHA AVATAR.

Shri Ramachandraji, the Founder of Sahaj Marg in U.P. (North India) has prophesied in his book "Satyodayam" that God has already appeared in human body in South India and is fulfilling His mysterious plans, which too points to GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA.

Nearly four hundred years ago, "Veera Brahmam" of Andhra Pradesh has prophesied that the Lord Narayana will appear as VEERA BHOGA VASANTHA RAYA (meaning the ever courageous, resourceful, and wealthy family man) and that He will establish "Anandashram" and will gather His believers as disciples and will destroy the wicked by the word of His mouth. This prophecy is fulfilled in GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA who has founded the Manujothi Ashram. Veera Brahmam, prophesied that the Lord Narayana will come in the middle of 1969 and those who love Truth will recognise Him, that He will give deathless life and glorious bodies to all those who believe on Him, and that He will establish DHARMA YUGAM, this is also fulfilled in GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA. Please note that GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA showed His VISHVAROOPAM on 20th/21st July, 1969 in Chicago, in USA, just one hour before that great first Moon-landing event and proclaimed that God is on earth to judge the world.

Shri Muthukutti Swamy of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu has prophesied about 150 years ago that God will come in the Nadar (Shanror) Tribe when the Moon is trodden which will be vindicated by clouds, thus proving that Vaikuntar (Lord Narayana) should come from the Tribe of Nadars and that when man tries to go to Moon and other planets, God will be on earth. In fact when man was about to step on the Moon for the first time, the only person who proclaimed that God is come down into Him bodily was GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA. Shri Muthukutti Swamy has also exhorted all his disciples: "Go to Tirunelveli at once to meet the ONE who has come to destroy Kali (Satan); otherwise you will be lost", thus indirectly instructing them to go to MANUJOTHI ASHRAM near Tirunelveli so as to bow at the lotus feet of the Lord (Vaikuntar) Narayana and serve Him.

Even the prophecy of the Holy Bible of Christians that the SON OF MAN should come from the East applies to GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA only, because He is born in the Royal Line of King David through Nathan, fulfilling the Jewish prophecy that One born in the Royal Line of King David of Judah Tribe will rule the whole world in the end time. Prophet Branham of USA foretold of His coming from Nazareth, a place in the East, a prophecy also fulfilled before our eyes.

GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA is LORD NARAYANA for whom the Hindus are eagerly waiting. He is the long expected MESSIAH of the Jews. He is the IMAM MAHADI of the Muslims. He is the LORD MAITHREYA of the Buddhists.

Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathi of Tamil Nadu has called Him "KANNA" and sung of Him as PARIPOORNAR, the Perfect One; he has chanted, "We will not bow down or serve anyone except the Paripoornar". Our National Poet Laureate, Shree Rabindranath Tagore has sung about Him only in his masterpiece poem, GITANJALI, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Aadhi Shankara has called Him as DAKSHINAMURTHI. ALL SCRIPTURAL PROPHECIES ARE FULFILLED IN GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA.

GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA established the Manujothi Ashram near Mukkudal in 1963. Thousands of people had pilgrimaged to this Ashram and had received peace and blessings from Him. His disciples numbering more than three hundred, without distinction of caste, colour, community, creed, nation, or race stay in the Ashram and engage themselves daily in meditation, praise and prayers; and this is done by them throughout day and night. His disciples and devotees are found throughout the world.


"God is One and We are all His creations. We should worship the Creator and not the creatures. All Scriptures - Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Holy Bible, Holy Quoran, etc. - are given by that ONE AND ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY. According to all these Scriptures, God has offered Himself as SUPREME SACRIFICE (AADHI BALI) at the time of creation of the Universe. All those who have participated in that great Supreme Sacrifice (Aadhi Bali) and those who live and believe in Him will be glorified without death; and those who are dead or asleep in HIM will be raised to eternity". This Supreme Sacrifice (Aadhi Bali) Gospel or Kingdom Gospel will be preached to all creatures under Heaven, then shall the end come.

GURUDEV SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA ENTERED INTO ETERNITY (GLORY) on His 68th birthday on 24th February, 1989, as already foretold by Him. He has forewarned us that great tribulation and troubulous period will come in the world very soon as per all the Scriptures. He did warn His disciples that after His glorification, great unexpected changes will take place on the world's political scene. We are accordingly witnessing several drastic changes in many governments of the world. AS PER HIS PROMISE, VERY SOON HE WILL REAPPEAR IN GLORY AND WILL GIVE DEATHLESS LIFE TO THIS DISCIPLES.

His final word of golden advice: "Renounce all Dharmas, and surrender to Me alone; I shall liberate you from all sin and will take you into Myself". Jagatguru Shreeman Narayana Lahari Krishna alone can take away all your karmas (sins). Those who utter His Holy Name and who have taken GURUDEEKSHA-GURUPRAMANAM will be protected from evil and will enter DHARMA RAJYAM. All others will perish. Thus saith LORD NARAYANA LAHARI KRISHNA.


For particulars, contact:

U.S.A. Address:
P.O. BOX 733,
NEW YORK - 10506,

Manujothi Ashram (World Headquarters),
Odaimarichan P.O. (Via Pappagudi) - 627 602,
Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu), South India.
Telephone: Mukkudal-43, STD (04634) - 74543 / 74503


Shri Lahari Krishna Publications
Manujothi Ashram