and thanks for making it this far into
Melissa's Musings

In case you are wondering
here's a little about me
Please sign my Guestbook!
I'd love to know you were here.

I am a 40 year old wife and mother.
I live in a very rural area of Southcentral Pennsylvania.
I am very proud of this area, it's activities and history.
I have included some links to local attractions.

My husband, son, and I have a permanent site
at a local campground and spend as much time
there as possible during the summer months.

I work part time as the secretary of our little town.
We bowl in a mixed bowling league (we stink, but have fun).
I also collect Salt & Pepper Shakers and enjoy my computer time (too much computer time!).

I Am proud to involved with
The Site Fights

Although I no longer compete,
I continue to participate in other ways
Visit my
Spirit Page
See the awards I won
for my spirit page,
Spirit Garden and more.
Vote for my Spirit Page in the
Top 100 Competition

Every Spring I watch the preparations for the new season of The East Broad Top Railroad and when I hear that first whistle of the summer season it always brings a smile to my face.
This narrow gauge, steam railroad boasts itself as the only one of its kind running on it's original route east of the Rockies.

A great site for railroad buffs!!

 East Broad Top Homepage

Old Easty was also listed as one of
America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places in 1996

Orbisonia-Rockhill Furnace
Historical Society

People Ask" How can you be friends with someone you have never met?"
I tell them" You have never been online I bet!".
It's something people offline will never understand.
You open up your heart to friendship with your typing Hands.
It's a world full friendship at your finger tips, there is so much.
Online, it only takes a heart to reach people with your touch.
First you start out online, surfing all around.
Next thing you know a great friend will be found.
You will chat a lot and surf cyber space.
Soon it will be your second home, a comforting special place.
A Friend to share your dreams and your tears
and to help each other wipe away life's fears.
You will share life together and help each other along
You will make it thru bad weather because friendship is so strong.
No matter how far apart you go,
your keyboards will keep you together.
and in your heart you will know you don't need
a face to be a true friend forever.
So, how do you explain this to people who have never been online.
I guess it takes a gesture of friendship & a little bit of time.
So let's start by sending this around and passing our special touch.
A smile, a website, a gesture starts it all .. 
becoming friends doesn't take much!
Author unknown



Comments? Suggestions? Broken Links?
Let me know! I will be glad to hear from you.


View My Old Guestbook


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Building a Railroad Across The Internet
The Rail


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