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'It Still Waves'

Howeth family crest

I'm B. Allen Howeth, Sr., and this is my wife, Lee.
(Vet, U. S. Army)

This page is devoted to my Family history, genealogy linage, and
contains photos of various members of the Howeth family that I've
managed to aquire. My thanks to all the Howeth family members
who contributed to this page: Carolyn Chandler, Dolores (Loree) Mays,
James Duncan, Clover & Mike Howeth, and anyone esle I haven't listed.
A little bit of funny stuff, too!

Harvey Henigar Howeth and Susan Amelia Dorsett (A composite).
My great-great-grandparents.
The only photo I knew of until recently.
He and at least 2, possibly 3 brothers, served
during the Civil War for the South.

I believe that this is the photo that
the above composite was made from.

This is an older photo of Harvey and Susan Howeth.

An old photo of Harvey & Susan Howeth with the
youngest of their children.

We sure are lucky that we don't need these now, huh?

Harvey's older brother.

Jefferson Theodore Howeth (older brother of Harvey, Joseph, Susan,
Martha Howeth) and his wife, Sarah Carr.

Jeff and Joe together. It's said that both had only one leg each.

Harvey H. Howeth, Jr. and his wife, Paris Electra Dutton
on their wedding day. My great-grandparents.
One of only two photos I know of, but I could be wrong.
Said to have been the best rifle shot in Texas at that time
and one of the best of the oldtime 'bronc busters'.

William Harley Howeth, my grandfather. Only photo I know of.

Cecil B. Howeth, my father. A U. S. Navy vet,
WWII, Pacific Theater.

Cecil, oldest sister Dovie, and older
brother Cleburn as children, about 1916.

My son and grandson, both of whom are named after me.
called Bud and Trey.

Martha Howeth, sister of Harvey, Jefferson, Joseph, Susan.

My great-grandfather's brother, Joseph Martin Howeth,
and his wife, Jennie Newton, with granddaughter Helen.

Sister, Susan Kathrine Howeth, and her husband.
John Henry Williams.

Ella Parlee Howeth Dingler and 2nd. husband Felix.

Uncle Joe's children: George, Chester, Perry, and a better
photo of Perry.

Perry's only child, Helen Jo on her wedding day.

The Howeth Family Reunion of 1983, Henderson, Texas. I was there.
forth from YOUR right, front row, shortsleeves.

My dad's only uncle on the Howeth side, Ed, Married Eva Bacon,
and was teased about 'bringing home the bacon', because
of Eva's size.

The children of Ed and Eva Howeth.

Barbara Celley Spray Howeth, (striped dress,) wife of
Robert Andrew Howeth, and her children: William, Nita, Robert, Jr.,
Ozella, Raymond, Lorene.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Howeth Family Photos.
I will be adding more from time to time, so please visit
again. In the meantime, you can e-mail me by using the links below.
For some added information on the Howeth and related families,
follow the link below to Spiritwolf, or just e-mail me and ask....
More photos are included there.

Links to other sites

Howeth Household
Al's Place
Lee's Quilts
Fishin' Place
Al'S ICQ Page
Lee'S ICQ Page

Al's Mail
Al & Lee's Mail



Special thanks to BRIAN CAPUTO
for the trailing cursor.

© 1997

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