The Second Book of Judgment, 4, 5 |
37 If you make going after Satan and Demons and any and all clones of
those your first doctrine and
then many more doctrines and organization and a structure that are much
more to the right or Right or RIGHT and if a Good enough to a GOOD
ENOUGH founder then you are going to be
successfully start up and organize and compete and pull ministers and
ordained ministers and clergy and members from the Seventh Day Adventist
Church and compete head to head and WIN more SOULS and SAVE more SOULS
and keep more under SAVED status !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
CHAPTER 5 1 Ellen G. Whites writings at least after her death should have been put into the Public Domain and or given for free and royalty free at least at the point of her death instead of under the control of an Ellen G. White Estate and collecting royalties. |
2 If she was a True Prophet then she should have and would have arranged for these writings of hers to be put into the Public Domain and or at least Royalty Free and for No Charge at her death and not let this continue to be PAID to an Ellen G. White Estate and there fore making her writings too expensive and her books or the entire set of her books too expensive to afford by most and TJCG can understand her charging royalties while alive and to support this effort and then should have been free before or at her death and absolutely none of the Old Testament True Prophets charged anything for their writings. 3 This is an Official Judgment of TJCG and if Ellen G. White was a True Prophet then the Earth Angels of Light are to TRY to make her writings to be put into the Public Domain and or Royalty Free and without Fees that are required to be paid to an Estate or anybody and only accurate publishing costs charged when published. |
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