The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
37 continued ... Let's purify them by torture and naked torture in front of many people was the perversion of that time. Yes many were tortured completely naked and many men and women and mostly the celibate priest were getting their jollies with that. Yes and many of them were Jewish and Satan and Demons also tried and almost completely and successfully purged the Roman Catholic Church of ALL that were Jewish. Yes and then this deteriorated into the inquisitions and extreme naked torture in front of many crowds or more private and more personal privileged audiences. The LightSide Spirits are trying to tell the FBI that and any CIA that and any in the future in the USA Government or any in any different Government or any Jewish and or God Following and or Christians and or in the Flock of TJCG or in the Fold of TJCG or in the Flock of TJCG that you are not going to be Physically stalked or harmed or your families either and are going to be under a restraining order and that was and is true and protected and any subtle to obvious threats by Satan and Demons on Earths Mass Media and in the X-Files are threats that are basically idle threats and praying and asking help and is good to pray and to ask and is always Thy Will Be Done and may not be granted. |
CHAPTER 4 1 Satan and Demons want to add that Ted you are possessed and that is all that this is and that is definitely not true and that was and is a lie and you are The One and that was and is true and The One is about The One Living God. 2 What are we going to do and is that a narrative or what is that Ted. You need to stop or this is going to deteriorate into a narrative. Well evil gets their two cents in and more than that and this is true. 3 Ted is now hearing cussing extreme from Satan and certain Demons and similar to worst pimps and Satan and certain Demons have an extreme focus on mean and violent and rough sodomy. |
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