The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
20 Well Ted you could always start bringing out the Broader Sword and Nuke the Planet of Earth again and again until it glows red hot and is engulfed in the Clouds of Glory that have Great Destructive Force and Might and are the Clouds that vaporize many that meet you in the clouds. 21 Many still think that this is going to be from remote and if you read very carefully you are going to realize that the Clouds and the Clouds of Glory are Nuclear Weapons.
22 Satan and Demons are trying to get many to worry too much about the Clouds of Glory and the fact that we are in an era of the Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man and are the Clouds of Glory and are in a Window of Opportunity for the Earth Angels of Light to cause Nuclear War and Nuclear Wars and Wars and Rumors of Wars and Total Global Thermonuclear War and are going to TRY to Desolate the entire World Earth and TRY to cause Nuclear Winter and are going to TRY to drop or kill all living things on Earth that primarily include Satan and Demons and any and all future clones of those that are going to be born in the near future. Between now and when a large and effective Missile Defense Shield or Shields are successfully deployed is this window and is about ten to fifteen years maximum and is going to be by or before 2015 for sure most think and those are setting dates and is probably going to be much shorter than that and depends on how fast the Missile Defense Shields can be deployed and at the same time how fast many Nuclear and Weapons of Mass Destruction Countries and Nations and Governments can get to Maximum Fire Power. |
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