The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 2 |
26 Ted you prayed again for God to help you with this and Ted you are God and this is the TRUTH and look very carefully at the face of the Gold colored Dollar Coin that was released in the USA for the Year of 2000 and this has a Female with a Baby in the arms of the female and this actually represents you Ted who was born on Earth again Baby Ted and the Son of Man and the Son of David and a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and survived the many attempts by Satan and Demons to kill all Jewish and ALL with the Royal Davidic Bloodline what you were to come through and that was and is true and Hitler was a recent attempt after the Romans and the Coliseum and the Roman Catholic Church that killed or dropped many Jewish and many with Davidic Bloodline that was pure enough to be a line for you to come The LION that is from the Tribe of Judah and are trying to deliver ALL on Earth from Satan and Demons and any and all clones of those and those and clones of those persecution and tyranny and torment and extreme atrocities. |
27 ALL Jewish and God Followers and Christians that study understand that Satan and Demons live physically on Earth and are in Physical Brains and Bodies and are all male and mated with women and females from mankind before the flood and had offspring from them before the flood and need to realize that those all went to taller ground in Tibet and avoided the flood that did not completely flood the entire Earth and was caused be a meteor and melted the polar ice caps and flooded all lower ground and Satan and Demons had over 120 years of warning and migrated to taller ground in the Tibet area. 28 ALL on Earth at Y2K and after were and are DRAFTED or CONSCRIPTED into this FIGHT against Satan and Demons and are to go after those and any and all clones of those Physically into Battle and to War and if not able or too old then at least are to support this effort and join and be a member of a Religious Organization that makes this their Number 1 Priority with NO EXCEPTIONS !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! |
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