The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 1 |
CHAPTER 1 1 Satan and Demons are physically on Earth and are similar to Human men and or have taken hormonal treatments and or also had surgery sex changes and implants and enhancements. 2 Those do not have Growing Old Curse and do not age and age if have extremely bad health habits and can die and some have died from accidents and murder and drug over doses and drinking too much and smoking too much and are also susceptible to AIDS. 3 Those are very to extremely similar to Humans except for their abilities to fly Spiritually that some call channeling and some have more channels and some have less channels. 4 Those were suppose to be destroyed and the Earth Desolated by Nuclear Weapons that are the Clouds of Glory and the Sign of the Coming of the Son of man and in that era. |
5 Those were suppose to be killed via a nuclear war or many nuclear wars and or total global thermonuclear war and wars and or to nuclear winter and Earth Desolation and the Earth Angels of Light tried on the eve of Y2K and immediately after and had the USA on High Alert and USA Borders carefully controlled and almost had Marshall Law and with Y2K Bugs and Failures in Hardware and Software and also in Embedded Systems their were systems and military systems going down and early warning systems failing and satellites failing and militaries partially blinded and partially crippled and could not get this to happen and was suppose to happen and could not get this to happen and their are too many too scared to preemptively strike and too many treaties and too many fail safes and too many checking with each other and too many influenced to pupated to not do this by Satan and Demons and those working for a long time to prevent and to thwart Earth Desolation. 6 Those were and are working their hardest to get Star Wars Defenses in place and deployed and working flawlessly or perfectly and without an error ever and now are currently trying for a derivative of the USA Star Wars System and the USA Strategic Defense Initiative that is the Missile Defense Shield and are trying to get this into place through DarkSide Humans or LightSide Humans performing a DarkSide Agenda before China is to maximum fire power and ready to go to and commit to Nuclear War against the USA. |
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