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I am a member of the
Western Massachusetts GSC

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Welcome to my homepage. My name is Andrea and I am a Junior Leader for Troop 382. Of course, I trade patches. Patch Trading is HIGHLY addictive. I believe I may be cured if I can trade my council for one of the following councils and complete my collection. Please take a peek ...
These are the patches that I still need. If you see your patch listed below, then email me!

momsbul.gif - 1776 BytesINDIANA

Treaty Line Council of Girl Scouts, Inc., Richmond
Tribal Trails Girl Scout Council, Inc., Logansport

momsbul.gif - 1776 BytesPENNSYLVANIA

Girl Scouts of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

momsbul.gif - 1776 BytesWISCONSIN

Indian Waters Girl Scout Council, Inc., Eau Claire
Girl Scouts of Racine County, Inc., Racine

All my graphics and background are courtesy of
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Girl Scouts/Guides
Patch Collectors WebRing

site is owned by
Andrea Weinschenk

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