Welcome !
Nickolas, Sandy, Phil & James
  The NAPIER surname has a very interesting origin and history.  I started researching the NAPIER surname when we first went online over 2 years ago.

   This is dedicated to my father James Lee Napier who died November 12, 1970 in a car wreck while en-route back to Fort Leonard Wood, MO. when I was 4 years old.  

  I hope the information contained on the following pages will show my two sons; James Lee Napier and Nickolas R Napier that the family name is full of history and pride.

   James Lee is our oldesr.  He loves school and does not understand why he was not in school last summer. He is very protective over his little brother, a little kid took Nicks's pacifier and James went over knocked the kid down and took the pacifier back to Nick.

  Nickolas R, is our 6 year old.  His middle name is just the letter R, it does not stand for anything we wanted his name to be different instead of ordinary.  He has proven to be different since he was born. He likes to play alone just as much as playing with his big brother. He has learned to Roller Blade and loves to sit with me while I do my homework from Northern Kentucky University.  

  As for me I served with the 69th U.S.A.F.A.D. attached to the 50th Missile Regiment in Menden, West Germany.

  I am married to a wonderful lady named Sandy from Westland, Michigan. We met Valentines Day 1994, when I told her to slow down or she would get a speeding ticket and we were married June 1994.  We lived in Southaven, Mississippi for a little over 4 years after she was transferred to Memphis, Tennesse from Detroit, Michigan.  We have now moved back to where I grew up at: Warsaw, Gallatin County, Kentucky.

  Well that is enough background for now, on with the rest of the stuff: You will see links to our photo albums where we put photos of people we do not know who they are, a Surname migration page where you can map your surnames movement through the United States and various other links.

If you have any question or comments contact me.

A tragedy in Warsaw, Ky.
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