![]() Both Suat Nee and I have received a number of complaints about getting the site to work. The main complaint was that nothing happened when the "See This Sign" buttons were clicked on. This problem exists mainly for people without javascript-enabled browsers, e.g. IE3.0. These pages were primarily tested with Netscape browers and will work best with Netscape 3.0+, although IE4.0+ will also do (see below for minor glitch). If you're already using Netscape and the same problem persists, please make sure that your Netscape browser is javascript-enabled: Go to "Preferences". Select the category "Advanced". Make sure the option "Enable JavaScript" is checked. Under normal circumstances, when you click on the "See this Sign" buttom, a small new browser windows pops up for you to view the sign you selected. With Netscape 3.0+, there is no need to close this new window after each sign. Subsequent signs selected will be loaded in this window (use "alt-tab" to get it back on top). For IE4.0+ however, there is a small glitch — a new window pops up every time you click for a new sign. It will be advisable to close the new window after each sign unless you like having a whole string of baby windows on your desktop... :) If all else fails, click on the graphic for each category for the complete listing of the signs. Beware of long loading time!