The Band Booster Community Network, High School Marching Bands, Band Parents, Boosters, Fundraising, Color Guard, Band Music, Booster Club Newsletter, and more.....
*** Our Collection of Band & Music Related Links ***
Please send your Favorite Band & Music Related Links to:
The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus
The John Lennon Songwriting Contest Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit, mobile recording studio outfitted with traditional musical instruments as well as current technological advances. It is committed to providing educational programs directed towards high schools, colleges, musical festivals, concerts and conventions.
Music Friends
MusicFriends is a group of parents, community members, and other music advocates working to support local school music programs through grassroots initiatives.
Museum of Making Music
The Museum of Making Music presents visitors with an interactive journey through a century of musical instrument innovations that helped shape American Popular Music from the 1890s to the present day. It includes over 500 vintage instruments on display, hundreds of audio and video examples at the push of a button and an interactive area where visitors can play on a variety of hands-on instruments.
Kids Music Stage Music
Games International (MGI) makes music-based entertainment for the digital age. Our music games offer both riveting fun and a new genre of music appreciation. They combine musical masterpieces with exquisite animation, hilarious narrative and poetry, and above all many hours of keen game thrills. According to Discovery, MGI's games "work children's brains in fantastic ways."
Mr. Hollands Opus
The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation supports music education and its many benefits through the donation of new and refurbished musical instruments to underserved school and community music programs and individual students nationwide.
American Music Therapy Association
The mission of the AMTA is to advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increase access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world.
Reading, Writing & Rhythm: The Chely Wright Foundation
A non-profit organization started by country music artist Chely Wright that is dedicated to improving the quality of music education in America's public schools. Its aim is to raise public awareness about the importance of music education for our nation's youth.
Music for All Foundation
The Music for All Foundation is a national non-profit organization committed to expanding the role of music and the arts in education, to heightening the public’s appreciation of the value of music and arts education, and to creating a positive environment for the arts through societal change
Music and the arts are vital to every child's education. Is your child's music program in danger of being cut? This site offers effective tips for taking action and the latest evidence of music's importance.
Bands Of America
Bands of America's mission is to create and provide positively life-changing experiences through music for students, teachers, parents, and communities.
American Music Conference
AMC 's goal is to build credibility for music and music education, especially at an early age, and to expand that portion of the population that enjoys and makes its own music.
The National Association for Music Education
Exists to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all. For the latest information regarding music teachers, advocacy and teacher resources visit MENC.
The National Band Association
The National Band Association, founded on September 11, 1960, is the largest band directors' professional organization in the world. It was organized for the purpose of promoting the musical and educational significance of bands and is dedicated to the attainment of a high level of excellence for bands and band music.
- Youth Education in the Performing Arts
Youth Education in the Arts (YEA!) provides programs which allow thousands of talented performers to participate in pageantry events around the continent. Included are The Cadets, the Crossmen Drum and Bugle Corps, and the US Scholastic Marching Band Association.
United Spirit Association
The United Spirit Association represents a 51-year tradition of well-coordinated summer training camps for cheerleaders, dance teams and band auxiliary students. The USA holds competitions, clinics, workshops, and special events for Jr. High, High School and College aged students in these programs. The USA offers quality instruction and a creative environment where students can develop friendships and enjoy a positive learning experience.
UC Santa Cruz : Division of the Arts
The Division of the Arts offers technical training, aesthetic development, and historical, theoretical, and critical studies in art, history of art and visual culture, dance, design/technology, drama, film/video, and music to all undergraduates as well as to undergraduate majors and graduate students.
South Carolina Band Link
South Carolina Band Link is a non-profit source for information about school bands. This resource is provided for band directors, band students, band boosters, parents and the general public. The mission of Band Link is to provide easy access to information about school bands in South Carolina and help promote the positive nature of the school band activity.
Guitar Workshop Plus
Guitar Workshop Plus is a program designed for aspiring musicians of all ages to promote the growth and development of musical knowledge. Our program is unique in that we cater our instruction to the student’s personal style, level of experience, and musical goals. We create a healthy, non-competitive, and supportive environment in which to learn.
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will be donated to one or more of the charitable organizations listed on our home page