{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Antigoni;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}{\f4\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Batang;}{\f5\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f6\fdecor\fprq2\fcharset0 Harrington;}{\f7\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Bedini;}{\f8\froman\fprq2\fcharset129 @Batang;}{\f9\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f10\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f11\fdecor\fprq2\fcharset0 Algerian;}}
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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\b\f0\fs20 I ship USA only.\cf0\b0 Please send me your shipping address by e-mail and let me know what type of payment will be sent and please send me your mailing address.. \par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Your order will be shipped parcel post mail unless you would like priority mail at $12.50. Insurance is $1.70 (Optional) Payment to be made within 7 days of confirmatuion. I accept Money Order, Please make payable to **** JUDY LUJAN *******. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr., Elko, NV 89801, Google Checkout or PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal user ID is: glasslass_98@yahoo.com \par
Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchases! UPS Orders \par
\pard\f0\fs20 **** Please confirm message by email and let me know what type of payment will be sent. ****\par
Your order will be shipped UPS Ground. Please pay within 7 days from order date. Please make payable to **** JUDY LUJAN *******. Mailing address is 1289 Parkview Dr., Elko, NV 89801 I accept Personal Checks (order held 10 days for check to clear) or money order (mailed with 48 hours after payment is received) I also accept PayPal if you would like to pay with your credit card. PayPal user ID is: glasslass_98@yahoo.com \par
Thank you for your business and I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \par
Just a note to let you know that your order has been processed and I will send you a UPS Tracking Number when it is shipped. Thank you for shopping at Judy's Closet.\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 I have lowered my prices on hundreds of items. I have work hard to offer a very large, \line high-quality selection at very competitive pricing. Come on in and take a look at the new items I have listed and the reduced/sales now offered.\par
\b\fs28 Fenton Charleton Roses Silver Crest # 206 footed comport. It measures 7" across. It is in excellent condition with NO chips, cracks or repairs. The gold is in excellent condition. It has a square crimp with the Charleton Roses decoration, circa 1940-1950 $50.00\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\qc\cf2\b\f2\fs28 Pattern: \cf0 Daises on Custard \par
Figurine, Donkey #5125DC\par
\cf2 Color:\cf0 Yellow Satin w/Handpainted Dasies (artist signed)\par
\cf2 Made by: \cf0 Fenton (1978 - 1980)\par
\cf2 Measurments: \i\f3\fs24 \cf3\i0\f2\fs28 4-3/4" long, 4-5/8" tall by 1-1/2" wide\b0\i\par
\cf2\b\i0 Condition:\cf0 Excellent condition with no chips, cracks or repairs\par
\cf4\b\f4 This is a very nice pink Miss America cereal bowl made Hocking Glass Company from 1935-1938\i . This is a very popular and beautiful pattern The bowl will come to you in very good condition, the only problem that I find is that it has a flake on one of its points. It measures approx. 6\'bc" across x 1\'bc" high.\i0\par
\f0\fs20 \f1\fs24 Up for auction is this 'small' 3.5" tall Inarco Head Vase with the original sticker and number on the bottom. She's in excellent condition. A great piece for any collection. Thanks for looking. Happy Bidding! \par
\pard Persian Medallion Colonial Green Fairy Lamp\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f5 Up for your consideration is a 3 piece Fenton Coloinal Green Persian Medallion Fairy Light. It has its original paper Fenton sticker on the shade. The middle glass piece and the bottom piece are both marked Fenton in the glass. It measures approx 6 \'be inches tall and will come to you in EXCELLENT condition with no chips, cracks or repairs.\par
\pard\keepn\sb100\sa100\b\f1\fs28 FENTON HP MOTHER OF PEARL ALLEY CAT\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\b0\fs28 Here's a fabulous pearlized opal alley cat made by the Fenton Art Glass Company in 2008. It was a special order and only 125 were made. It stands 11" tall and is hand painted with delicate Pink Poppy Floral Flowers. It is in perfect condition and signed by Fenton artist D. (Diane) Barbour. It has the Fenton in-mold logo and silver sticker and is a first quality piece. It comes to you new in the original box with the limited edition card.\par
Book Price: $125.00\fs24\par
\b0\f0 ~~~Insurance is optional.~~~ Please o-mail me for shipping charges on multiple orders. \par
\cf5\b\fs28 Online Auction Shipping\cf0\b0\fs20\par
\pard\sb100\sa100 \b\f1\fs24 Item to be paid for within 7 days. $1.70 Insurance is optional. You can email me your zip for shipping charges on multiple orders. I combine purchases. \b0\par
\pard\f0\fs20 \par
\cf5\b\fs32 UPS \cf0\b0\fs20 Shipped UPS Ground. Insurance and tracking number is included. Item to be paid within 7 days of purchase. I combine multiple UPS orders. Please send me your zip on multiple orders for shipping quote.\par
ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Payment to be made within 7 calendar days of order invoice. I accept personal checks, item is held 10 days for check to clear. PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover) or E-checks (takes 3-4 days to clear), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 2 working days. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States. RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Please allow 7-14 days for delivery on UPS shipments. Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Extreme care goes into packing your items. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \b0\f1 \b\f0 \f9 ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Item is held 10 days for check to clear, Paypal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 2 working days.\f0 \par
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States except Alaska and Hawaii.\par
RETURN POLICY: \f10\fs28 I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable.\par
\pard\sb100\sa100 SHIPPING: \b0\f10\fs28 Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. <\b\f0\fs24 /SPAN> Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. I highly recommend insuring glass, porcelain, pottery and any expensive items against breakage and/or loss. Not responsible for uninsured items. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. UPS Shipping usually $7.50 on most items. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\fs28\par
\cf4\b\fs24 Insurance is optional. You can o-mail me for shipping charges on combined orders\par
Payment must be received by these dates to assure delivery by Christmas.(9:00 AM PST) UPS GROUND. \par
I COMBINE SHIPPING ON MULTIPLE ORDERS~Shipped USPS Parcel Post to save on shipping costs unless other shipping is requested.\par
Shipped Priority Mail Unless Other Shipping Is Requested.\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 1104783\par
\pard\tx7560\b\f11\fs48 CERTIFICATE\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\cf4\f1\fs28 ORDER PROCESSING POLICY: I will accept Personal Checks. Payment to be made within 7 calendar days of order invoice. I accept personal checks, item is held 10 days for check to clear. PayPal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover) or E-checks (takes 3-4 days to clear), Money Orders in US dollars are shipped within 3 working days.\cf0\b0\fs24\par
\cf3\b\fs28 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING:\cf4 Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sites with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States. \cf0\b0\fs24\par
\cf4\b\fs28 RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, I need to be notified with in 3 days of receiving the item, simply return the item for exchange with 7 days of notifying me of the return for refund or full credit with my sticker in place. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. \cf0\b0\fs24\par
\cf4\b\fs28 SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed on multiple orders. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Please allow 7-14 days for delivery on UPS shipments. Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Extreme care goes into packing your items. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase! \cf0\b0\fs24\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\cf3\b0\f1\fs24 Up for your consideration is one of the most valuable reference works for collectors and students of all types of glass. Each issue contained highly informative articles written by the foremost collectors and authors in their fields. This is Volume V ~ Number 2 Issued August/September 1991\cf0\par
\cf3 Index:\cf0\par
\pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\cf3\b Is It Lalique?\b0 by D. Thomas O\rquote Connor\cf0 \par
\cf3\b Crystal English Hobnail \b0 by Tavie Gunneson\cf0 \par
\cf3\b International Carnvial \b0 by G. and S. Thistlewood\cf0 \par
\cf3\b Lenora Glassworks\b0 by Vladimir and Virginia Weiss\cf0 \par
\cf3\b Greentown\rquote s Glory \'85Preserved\b0 by Grace Carolyn Dahlberg\cf0 \par
\cf3\b Patriotic Glass\b0 by Betty Newbound\cf0 \par
\cf3\b German Flea Markets\b0 by Sibylle Jargstorf\cf0 \par
\cf3\b C\rquote est Bon The Glass of \ldblquote P.V. France\rdblquote\b0 by Frank Chiarenza\cf0 \par
\cf3\b Favorite Pieces from the Rockwell Museum, Corning, New York\cf0\b0 \par
\cf3\b Encore Glass \rdblquote\b0 by Robert Truitt\cf0\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\qc\cf4\b All issues are in good like new, used, readable condition. All issues are intact, with no odors.\cf0\b0\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Her family cherishes her memory and will miss her dearly.\par
\pard Rest in peace sweet little angel in the arms of Jesus. Always loved and never forgotten.\par
\f0\fs20 She will greatly be missed by all those who knew her.\par
He will dearly be missed by all those who knew him.\par
HARDY, Debra Louise (WHITE) Feb 21, 1956 Elko, NV Mar 04, 1999\par
\pard\sb100\sa100\cf0\f1\fs24 http://judyscloset.mybisi.com/\par
http://www.onlineauction.com/store/glasslass\b0 \par
\pard\sb100\sa100\f1\fs24 Up for your consideration is a gorgeous 8" No.5956 (P2) Fenton Art Glass Periwinkle Blue Plume Vase. Periwinkle Blue is a vivid opaque blue that was 1st developed by Paul Rosenthal during the 1930s. No two pieces will be exactly alike. This is a Limited Edition inscribed with signature of Shelly Fenton. It comes to you brand new in its original Silver & Black collectors box with certificate with limited sales through May 15, 2004. It is in mint first quality condition. Great for gift giving or add to your Fenton collection. \par
Plush Christmas hanging calendar with Santa, reindeer, and snowman. \par
Polyester. 16 \'bd\rdblquote x 22\rdblquote high. \par
Item: 34672 \par
I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Paypal Credit Card payments(using Master Card, Visa and Discover), Money Orders in US dollars. Payment to be made within 10 days of auction end unless otherwise arranged. Buyer to pay shipping. \par
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Due to unforeseen recent problems arising on auction sights with fraud/counterfeiting I will no longer ship outside the United States. \par
RETURN POLICY: I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your merchandise, simply return the item for exchange, refund or full credit. Shipping and handing charges are not refundable. \par
SHIPPING: Please do not pay until shipping charges are emailed. Buyer to pay for shipping charges unless other arrangements are made.!!! Remember multiple purchases will save on shipping. I highly recommend insuring glass, porcelain, pottery and any expensive items against breakage and/or loss. Not responsible for uninsured items. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Please e-mail me anytime with your zip code for an exact UPS, priority or parcel post shipping rate quote for your location. If this is a gift item, it can be dropped ship directly to the person that it is intended for. Some items will be sent via UPS Ground. UPS Shipping usually $6.50 on most items. Some items maybe subject to being out of stock or backordered. Thank you for stopping by!! I am sure that you will be pleased with your purchase.\par
\par \par \par![]() |
Condition: Used~Excellent
Color: Multi
Country of Origin: Albania
1. Scott #175 A16 Male Lyrebird 15 x 14 Issued 1941 \par
2. Scott #334 A117 Approach of the Magi Perf 15 x 14\'bd Issued Nov 4,1959 \par
3. Scott #466 A185 Nativity Perf 13\'bd x 13 Issued Oct 15, 1969 \par
4. Scott #562 A223 Star Sapphire 13 x 13\'bd Issued 1974 \par
5. Scott #788 A304 Tasmanian Perf 13 x 13\'bd Issued 1981\par
6. Scott #889 A335 Cook's Cottage Perf 13\'bd x 14 Issued Jan 26, 1984\par
5. \par
\pard\sb100\sa100 5. Scott #? Multi \f9 Great Britain Tin Mine, St. Agnes, Cornwall Issued 1989 \f1\fs24\par
\pard\f0\fs20 6. Scott #143 A66 Yel Grn King Edward VII Perf 14\'bd x 14 Issued Nov 25, 1968 \par
7. Scott #499 A197 Brt Red Queen Elizabeth Perf 15 x 14 Issued 1969 \par
8. Scott #359 A128 Ulta Queen Elizabeth Perf 14 x 14\'bd Issued 1967 \par
These stamps are from approvals I have received since 1974. I have removed the ones I needed and the rest you will see up for offer. There are some very nice stamps in these selections. I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Money Orders in US dollars or US Cash. If cash is sent please enclose in a small envelope within the mailing envelope. Change does slip out of envelopes. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Overseas shipping to be determined. Comes from a smoke free home.\par
Liberia Lot of Four JL1030\par
Up for your consideration is a lot of four Liberia stamps. They come to you with excellent color ~ No tears. \par
1.\tab Scott #512 Statue of rain god Tlaloc Cancelled Issued Jun 10, 1970\par
2.\tab Scott #514 Sombero and soccer ball Cancelled Issued Jun10, 1970\par
3.\tab Scott #C89 Airmail Swimming Uncancelled Issued Jan 26, 1955\par
4.\tab Scott #C90 Airmail Running Uncancelled Issued Jan 26, 1955\par
These stamps are from approvals I have received since 1974. I have removed the ones I needed and the rest you will see up for offer. There are some very nice stamps in these selections. I will accept Personal Checks held 10 days to clear, Money Orders in US dollars or US Cash. If cash is sent please enclose in a small envelope within the mailing envelope. Change does slip out of envelopes. Most orders will be shipped within 72 hours or sooner if possible. Overseas shipping to be determined.\par
MHH=mint heavy hinge MNH=mint never hinge MLH=mint light hinge MHR=mint hinge remainder MMH=mint medium hinge NG=no gum PG=partial gum\par
\par | \par
US Labor Day Item: JL1018 Used Cancelled without gum, very good condition~no tears\par \par