"Could somebody let the cat in please? He's been chasing that bug all day!"

Whew! Ever have a day where the house was so cluttered you weren't sure if you had carpet or hard wood flooring, the children's faces were smeared with jelly and peanut butter, your hair had yet to see a comb and your p.j.'s seemed like perfect attire for eating breakfast, not to mention lunch and dinner? If you have had a day like that then you are most likely a parent - perhaps even a stay at home mother, like myself.
Honestly, I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything. BUT there are those days when I could really use a break, I am sure many of you can empathize with me.
Well, this web site is a perfect place for you to escape for a little while. So come on in and join us, we've been waiting for you. Perhaps we can leave you with a smile on your face. There is something for everyone here.

If you are a parent or know of someone who suffers from either asthma, allergies (including eosiniphill allergies) or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) be sure to visit Ryan's Asthma, Reflux and Allergy Information Page. Those pages are from a mommy who is "still there - and still is doing that" - ME. =)

You may notice that Karen's Place has undergone a little bit of a face lift if you have been here before. I now have an index page which has links to all of the pages here at Karen's Place. Just click on the link below to get there.

Also, would you be a sweetie and sign my guestbook? I like to know who has been here and what they thought of the place. Also, if you have a web page, I will be sure to return the favor =).

Thanks guys - see ya around Karen's Place!

Click Here to see a full Index of Pages

This candle burns in memory of those whose lives were taken and innocence lost at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.

Special Thanks to Grandma George for her wonderful graphics and for her personalized banner. If you would like some country graphics for your page - visit her site by clicking her logo.