Phoenix - Home Page

Phoenix - Fabled sacred bird of ancient Egyptians, said to come out of Arabia every 500 years to Heliopolis, where it burned itself on an altar and rose again from its ashes young and beautiful; symbol of immortality.

My Trip to Spain! - Trafalgar's Best of Spain Tour (2006)

My Trip to France! - Contiki's Best of France Tour (1998) - - The best tanning salon EVER!

El Balcón de San Juan - My brother's home page.

Nescorp Exclusives - An imaginary chronicle of a company in distress




The Ankh is the egyptian symbol of life. The tau or looped cross means
both life and hand mirror. It is a symbol of regeneration, an amulet
against bad luck and a talisman for good fortune. It also represents the
union of the male principle (the staff) and the female principle (the
closed loop).