My Faerie Sanctuary

~*My Faerie Sanctuary*~

"Come faeries take me out of this dull world
For I would ride with you upon the wind
And dance upon the mountains like a Flame." - WB Yeats
Welcome to my Faerie Sanctuary
Sit down, relax and let the gentle magik of the Fae
surround and comfort you.

Sitting on a mushroom, under a tree
tell me sweet faerie, have you come to play with me?
Wings of gossamer, making nary a sound
dragons for pets, your magik does confound.
Oh how I love the wonderous world of the fae
I'll fly with them until the night turns again to day.

Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock
Never want for food or fire
Always get their heart's desire
Jingle pockets full of gold
Marry when they're seven years old
Every fairy child may keep
Two ponies and ten sheep
All have houses, each his own
Built of brick or granite stone
They live on cherries, they run wild
I'd love to be a Fairy's child. - Robert Graves

If you see a fairy ring in a field of grass
Very lightly step around, tip toe as you pass
Last night Faeries frolicked there
And they're sleeping somewhere near
If you see a Faerie lying fast alseep
Shut your eyes and run away
Do not stay to peek! Do not tell
Or you will break a fairy spell

Mist-clad in the light of the moon
Starspun seekers - I search for thee!
Faery light - I ask they boon
Of branch and thorn and Elder tree!
Wood woven creatures, shadow weavers
River keepers - come to me!
Just beyond reaching
Never in keeping
Spirits of Faery - I call unto thee!
Wind-hewn wildness
Dark and brightness
Spiral enchantments - born of the sky!
Cradle me with eleven hand
Abide with me, they human child.

The world of the faerie is unique in a myriad of ways.
The rhythm of life is a thrilling experience. Every
living thing is the faeries friend; the trees, flowers,
birds, fishes. They are as much as her children in this
world that throbs with life, passions and constant motion.
The faeries world is a dynamo of movement and
interaction. Things merge into each other, with and
become one. The faerie is kin to all because her world
pulsates with feeling.

Everything in her world glows, melts and mixes into
one another. It has a fluidity that encompasses the
magic that is faerie.
Faeries are realists because they do not possess,
feel envy or fear. They see no manmade illusions but
instead their vision is clear and they come straight
to the point. Having nothing to hide or anything to hide
from they appear astonishing direct a most remarkable
contrast to humankind.