Hello my name is Justin Cuplinskas. I have dedicated this Page to Callie McCraw. Callie McCraw was on her way to school last March 18th when she was hit head on by a drunk driver named Lisa Sanders, who was aparently also using drugs too. Callie lived for 8 days...8 days in an emergency hospital in Jackson MS. The doctors were doing all that they could, But... there was nothing they could do. The only thing that her mother could do was watch as her baby slipped away.

Lisa Sanders who was the driver of the car got out on bail and continued to drink and do drugs. However she was arrested for being with a man who was pulled over for drunk driving. Her bail was revoked. She deserves the fullest and strongest penalty that can possibly be given to her.

As a good friend of mine once told me
....She was truly a very special child....

Here is a Picture of Callie.

If you have any comments don't hesitate to E-mail me at