My Testimony
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior as a child at Bear Lake Bible Camp. It was my second summer there and I will never forget the thrilled look on my counselor's face when I told her---"I'm saved!"
Even though I was privileged to be raised in a Christian home and got many tastes of the Christian life (like family devotions, Christian schools, Youth Meetings , etc.) I fought the Christian Life. To me--it looked sooo boring!
My poor father had to deal with my pride and short dresses all while I was trying to "SHOW OFF" in the name of Jesus while singing in church. But, God blessed me with a praying Grandmother who NEVER gave up on me.
My teenage years were nothing to brag about but REAL rebellion began after I left college and was bound and determined to live my life MY way! I had been good long enough and now it was time to LIVE!
Despite a couple of parties that meant weekends in Miami I was pretty unscathed. You see God at least gave me a great fear of drugs--so I stayed clear of the bongs and other paraphernalia that I saw at parties.
I married a man without EVER blinking an eye and even thinking of asking God if this was HIS choice for me. The best thing about my marriage was that it forced me to grow close to God. I learned to fast and pray like I had never done before. My husband was an actively drinking wife abuser.
I started hanging out with people who despite horrifying circumstances they were "walking " through it in peace. I knew whatever it was they had --I wanted it and most of all I NEEDED it--cause my life was falling apart!
It took me a LONG time to learn to TURN it all over to God and let HIM handle it! You see, I spent years perfecting going from "this one to that one" for help and peace. But , God in all His infinite goodness had another plan. He started healing me--and I didn't even believe in it.
When my degenerative discs were INSTANTLY healed at a Christian Rock Concert I was blown away and KNEW there was more that I was missing. So I went hungering and thirsting after the HOLY SPIRIT.
God gave me a glorious mentor. She was so patient with me. She taught me faith I had never begun to dream about. And she sent to me meetings and churches where I FINALLY got the Holy Spirit.
When my marriage finally crumbled to an end, I was relieved but I selfishly turned my back on God because I was so angry that I was treated the way I had been treated. I started dating unsaved men and living the WILD life. I knew better but I wanted to CALL the shots and I had a son that wanted a "dad".
Finally, I got to a point where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I cried out to God in the middle of the night 3 nights in a row. I wanted to hear His voice again. I longed for it. And God was gloriously lovingly faithful and I am still loving and walking with Him today.
Today, I KNOW what it is to WORSHIP Him with my whole heart and being and I do it DAILY! Come let us worship together . Praise His name on high for He and He alone is Worthy to be praised! Hallelujah!
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