All About Me
I was born and raised in the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan and Indiana). My father named me Laura after a very old popular song (and movie). Needless to say, I am the only family member NOT named after a relative. I have one older sister , Emily, and one younger brother, John. My family name is Entenman and YES we are related to the famous bakery.
While my father achieved success in his career in the Whirlpool Corporation, we moved every time he was promoted. So, much of my life was similar to that of an "army brat". I attended 4 high schools and graduated from William Henry Harrison High School in Evansville, Indiana.
By this time my father had gone back to school and earned his master's while being well onto his way to his doctorate. I was privileged to have him as one of my many college professors. I graduated from Cedarville College with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and several minors (Psychology, Bible, and Journalism).
Several years later while living in Michigan I met and married the man of my dreams. After my son was born (and before he could walk) I began a public school teaching career.
By the time my son , Ryan, reached the fourth grade (and after many LONG parent/teacher conferences) we had him tested and discovered that he was gifted/SLD. With all my contacts throughout the education community we found a small private school in Florida that would meet his needs and relocation was underway.
Once I became a Florida resident I ventured into the teaching area of Exceptional Student Education, majoring in Mental Retardation at the University of South Florida.
I quickly learned what it was to truly fall in love with what you do in life. I not only trained my students to participate in Special Olympics but I thrilled at their victories and medals.
I then learned about "A Very Special Arts Festival" and not only took my students to view and participate, but I also entered their incredibly amazing creations in the exhibit competition.
Two years
ago I moved back across the state to
return to the Tampa Bay area where my family is located. I am now
single/divorced and my grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday in July of this
year. So, it was time to come home.
I currently am teaching a class of severe and profound teens at Riverview High School in Riverview, Florida while encouraging my son as he strives to get his degree from Palm Beach Atlantic College. I continue to do part-time respite care work for handicapped children through United Cerebral Palsy.
Perhaps my most life impacting experiences began when I started doing part-time mission work during my school vacation periods. I spent many wonderful times and fell in love with one orphanage in Reynosa, Mexico. It was love at first sight. I love the orphanage, the missionaries, the hard works and of course the children. They , in turn, love me back . This is what makes life worth while.
Graphic background taken from