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For Nickelodeon

Week of Jan 31 2000
8:30 am 301. Art Appreciation We are having a big art show, and we play Blue’s Clues to figure out what Blue is making for the show. As we search for clues, we help Steve with his art projects, we locate the fish in our friends’ pictures and figure out what Shovel and Pail sculpted. Then we skidoo into an art book and help three characters find their way back to the paintings they belong in, based on their color, shape and line.
11:30am 115. What Does Blue Want To Make? Blue and Steve have just finished making newspaper hats and Blue wants to make something else. We play Blue’s Clues to figure out what Blue wants to make. Along the way we complete patterns in Salt and Pepper’s picture, predict pictures that the felt friends are making shape by shape, and bake a banana cake in a bakery. .
Saturday/.Sunday 110. A Snowy Day It's a snowy day and we need to figure out what Blue wants to do in the snow. As we find her clues we also match snowflakes with Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, help a Calendar friend fix her mixed up weather picture, and help Steve remember what's missing on Blue as she gets ready to go outside.

This page was last updated: Wednesday, 18 October 2000
By Matt