Face to Face with Cancer (Edition 5)
In this latest edition of Face to Face with Cancer,
Ewe Jin and Angeline share their thoughts on Ewe Jin's
two journeys with cancer. The book speaks of God's
faithfulness and many blessings in their lives even as
they go through these tough times. Their stories will make
you reflect, laugh and maybe shed a tear or two. The print
edition will be available soon.
Please click here for the pdf version.
Our Christmas Card and Family Newsletter 2008
Please click here for the newsletter.
NEW: A reflection 10 years on... Click here for Ewe Jin's thoughts as April 19 approaches....
I've been doing a bit more writing in The Star,
including for my column called Monday Starters
which appears on Monday (of course) in the Business section
Good food, great fellowship
Dissecting Obama's tax returns
Hidden talents in our midst
Nothing like the personal touch
An idea whose time has come
Lights out please
Taxi tales for the soul
Work together to ease the pain
Hard times become even more tax-ing
Rain or shine, the postman still delivers
The perils of modern day mobile technology
KS Jomo: Choosing the road less travelled
Corporate responsibility: It's about doing the right thing
Stimulating conversations
Time to go fishing
Look beyond the symptoms
Where to channel money and brainpower
Lending a helping hand in tough times
Resolutions, more or less
Bring on the music
The cost of compassion
Paying bills online - at what cost?
Buying goodwill in bad times
Penang should think small to grow big
Enforced savings needed
It's October and time to reflect on cancer issues.
Here's what I wrote in StarMag on Oct 12 Creating cancer awareness is a continuing mission
Father and Son
On June 22, I was invited to share with my friend's church on
fatherhood. It was nice to reflect on my full-time fatherhood
days but more important was to share how we need to prioritise
our life so that our family does not suffer
Please click here for the sermon notes
And also a rejoinder by Kevin after I finished.
One year after treatment
On April 20, I was invited to share with my church on my
journeys, as I "celebrated" the one year after my treatment
was completed on April 6 last year.
Please click here for the sermon notes
For an account of the journey, read Angeline's story
via her contribution to God With Us, a book published by our church,
to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The book was edited by Ewe Jin while he
was recuperating.
Faith renewed through our new journey
An interview in Sunday Star
Cherie Blair and her cancer crusade
A reflection in Sunday Star
An off-beat article in Sunday Star
Featured in Asian Beacon
The latest edition of Asian Beacon focused on cancer
survivors. We have our story there as well. Click
here for the pdf file. We encourage you to take up
subscription to this magazine that is almost 40 years old
and has served the Christian community faithfully all these years
An interesting bald tale
Click here for Ewe Jin's reflection on why
suddenly, everyone is bald, or wearing a cap!
Picture shows my nurses rejoicing with me on April 6 2007
Face to Face with Cancer by Soo Ewe Jin and Angeline Lim
Third Edition 2006
12,000 copies, perhaps more online: The three English
editions and one Chinese edition totalled 12,000 copies which
were freely distributed to cancer wards, churches, and anyone who
asked for it.
To contact Ewe Jin, please send an email to
Some articles by Ewe Jin
Buying goodwill in bad times
Penang should think small to grow big
Enforced savings needed
How to be a good patient
Tribute to an Alleycat: Thanks for the memories, Loga
The season for giving, and forgiving
Hard on the stomach, good for the soul
Need to nurture thinkers
The ladder and the power drill
Spread the message of hope where it matters
Listen more talk less
Priceless Penang
Jottings from Jelutong
The ties that bind
Blind spot for the disabled
Words etched in heart and mind
Remembering dear friends
A salute to friendship
Giving life to hope
Restaurants with soul
Looking beyond budget goodies
The golden years
Sam Abraham
Kak Endon
Noordin Sopiee
Battle against nose cancer
We can lick this
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is one cancer that is curable if detected early.
SOO EWE JIN talks to patients, caregivers and doctors, including an
internationally acknowledged Malaysian doctor, on how the battle against this
cancer is progressing.
The story behind the story
Soo Ewe Jin shares his views and experiences when he was diagnosed with
nasopharyngeal carcinoma four years ago.
NPC facts
Some facts on nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a disease in which a malignant tumour
(cancer) grows in the nasopharynx.
Articles by Angeline Lim
Educate public on rights of the disabled
A mother labours on
Getting to the core of special needs
Special strokes
Sorry for not realising the injustice
Failsafe way to curb crime
Vision of a mission
Consider needs of disabled children too
Educate the disabled chidren, too
Live and learn
Building bridges
The overated A