We are a family of seven. We have three girls and two boys.
From oldest to youngest. Right click and open in new tab to get picture
Belinda (Now Joseph & Belinda Ashby & Sarah Elizabeth Ashby - Born June 12th, 2006) and
Jennifer (Now Richard & Jennifer Alexander & Julia Anne Alexander & Christopher Jay Alexander)
Matthew & Crystal Double , "Married March 21,2009"Who Is Jack? Everyone's favorite!
We live in a historical part of West Virginia.
The hills surrounding us make up Chief Cornstalk, a public fishing and hunting reserve.
Just a few miles north of us is another historical sight, Point Pleasant.
It is surrounded by two rivers. Has a park called, Tu-Endie-Wei State Park.
Our family attends a Wesleyan Holiness Church located on 2300 Lincoln Avenue in Point Pleasant.
Also located on the same block is a Bible School that serves k through 12 and has a College. The name of the school is Wesleyan Holiness Bible College and Academy.
We like music very much and there are several sites that I enjoy that deals with Christian midi music listed below.
The title of the song playing is The Love Of God. Author of this song is: Larry Holder and Elton Smith. You can find the song and words on The Songs of Praise Site listed below.
Other Web and Blog sites to visit!
Good sites to visit!
If you like "Old Time Radio" then you need to check out the otrcat below!
Here is a good site for music.
An excellent site to get the Bible and many good, religious books and other topics.
Don't know where to find a Good Christian Broadcast look here
"Life as a Missionary Kid", in New Mexico, by my Nephew, Austin Peachey
"Joyful Living", by my daughter, Jennifer Alexander
"Never Stop Dreaming", and
"The Big Idea", by my son-in-law, Richard Alexander
"A Happy Housewife's Musings", by my wife, Karen Double
"Mission of Hope in Haiti", by Benjamin Salvant
"Sunnybank Meanderings ", by Carol Brown
"Missionary in Romania", by Sally Sebo
Thank you to those of Geocities that helped me get my web page started.
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This page last updated 03/22/2009.