Welcome To the Dragline Model Builders Home Page
Sorry about the non-update thing, I lost my modem by lightning, I have however gained a new stronger interest in Mining, and will update this site whenever I can get to somebody elses machine.

Arthur J. Catino's Models.
I believe the one on the right is a Marion 183, and the one on the left is a Lima 2400A.
Go to the MineGoods section for more pics.
New Site!!!
It is about models and some other interesting stuff so stop by and take a look.
Another Site dealing with the "Big Boys", He has many pictures check him out!
Well, Its been a while since an update, but it was an important time of change. As some of you know The Muskie is starting to be cut up. It will be gone in a few more months. To find out more about her go to The HCEA
Check out the bulletin board about Muskie.
Or here
The site has many interesting pictures and facts please stop by and show your appreciation to the worlds largest machine.
Got pics of your model or favorite machine? Mail it to me!
Photo Gallery, not quite done yet.
Go to thePicture archives
I will display models in here.
Special Thanks To those that are letting me use pictures. Visit their sites right here!
Please vote here.

Feel free to take any pics just tell me your email and web address in the guest book so I can contact you. Remember we need all info on large machines. Also, if you have any stories or anything else tell me.
View The Guestbook
Dragline World Inc.
people since 9/25/98
© 1997 E-mail me with your info, pics, comments, or anything.
Last udate was June 22 2000 at 6:15 PM. I need to get my scanner back up, I have three rolls of dragline photos to put up.
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