Indidualized Instruction for Every Learner Adventures in Learning
Jennifer Bryerton, MA Educational Consultant
Workshops and Seminars
Adventures in Learning offers many special events throughout the academic year. The goal is to reach as many students as possible and empower them to be independent learners. There are many exciting opportunities to acquire study and test taking strategies as well as traditionally taught school skills such as writing organization and reading comprehension strategies.
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Study Smarter!
Learn how to learn! Efficient strategies to help all school age learners become strategic planners and efficient workers. Today, students are given an ever increasing load of homework and I can help your child become more effective in meeting those expectations. Each learner will identify their strengths and preferred learning style as well as compile a resource collection that they can continue to use. Open to all school age learners.
Report Writing Workshop
This workshop is designed for students in at least the fourth grade. The writing process will be explored from research, notecards, and outlining to final editing. Students will work on a sample project (or may bring a current assignment) and build their own reference manual.
Passion for Poetry!
This imaginative session will focus on how poetry is a fun way to express thoughts and emotions as a reader and writer. We will read classic selections as well as write our own originals. Each learner will produce a special book of their favorites to take with them. Open to all school age learners.
Get Organized!
If, "How can I get all of this done?", is a familiar cry in your home this is for you. Children need to be taught explicit strategies for structuring their day and workload. Skills taught will include planning, prioritizing, relaxation, and how to find resources. Students will leave with a collection of materials that they can continue to use throughout their school years. Open to learners in at least fourth grade.
Creative Writers
Does your child struggle with open ended assignments? This session can help your school age child learn to brainstorm ideas and then structure their writing. Each learner will produce a special volume to use as a resource and collection of favorite work samples. Open to learners of all ages.
Science Magic!
This is a week long program lasting 3 ½ hours each day. Students will study the fundamental concepts of biology by doing experiments and building projects,. They will learn how to display their results using paper and pencil as well as computer graphs. Each student will keep a lab notebook that is process oriented and may be used when they return to school as a reference. There will be a special field trip. Open to learners in grades 3 to 8.
Exploring Literature and Art
Art and literature give great enjoyment to many lives each day. This program meets for 31/2 hours for a week during winter break. Students will explore classic literature and art for children and young adults and compile a special book of reflective writing and drawing about what they experience. There will be a field trip to the Denver Art Museum and Public Library. Open to learners in grades 2-8.
Reading Circle
This group of students in grades 4 to 9 will meet the first Friday of each month for 2 hours. We will have a learner led discussion of that months selected reading and a sharing of response drawing and writing. There will also be a craft or game and a snack that correlates with the reading theme.
Social Skills for Everyday
This workshop will aid learners in developing a repertoire of basic skills they need each day. They will role play, discuss and problem solve situations that learners have experienced or anticipate. Example scenarios introducing your mom to your teacher, asking for instructions to be repeated when misunderstood, talking on the telephone, responding to peer pressure, giving a compliment, asking for directions when lost,… Call for more information on topics and ages in each session.
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