Welcome to the Family Tree Homepage

Am back on track and will be doing regular updates.

Does anyone actually visit? If so, Guest book is working so please sign it. thankyou

lots of old photo's will soon be displayed on here.

This Site contains information about people from the following families :

Anderson , Baker , Bishop , Bookham , Boyle , Brooker , Brookes , Brown , Campbell , Cherry , Connery , Conroy , Costello , Cummins , Cush , Derham , Donohue , Fagg , Finnigan , Fleming , Fogarty , Foley , Grace , Greber , Hall , Hanzlicek , Hines , Hoffman , Hogan , Houston , Hudson , Hughes , Kelly , Lannam , Lamphier , Larkin , Lloyd , Loughran , Luers , Lyons , Maller , Marsh , McCorrie , McErlane , McEwan , McIntyre , McKenna , Moloney , Murray , Meehan , Pascoe , Patching , Pengilly , Powell , Roberts , Ryan , Sait , Seacombe , Smith , Stirling , Stower , Thomas , Tidd , Tremayne , Walsh

A short history about Mary Cush and her children. (Will not be updated for a while.)

If you would like to be able to tell a 3rd Cousin from a 4th or 1st

Henry James McIntyre (born 1862) was a police constable and voilin player.

A short insight into the life of Claude Vincent McIntyre.

Other stories will appear as I get Information. So do some research and email me.

The following tables and forms are being retyped and updated soon. The table of names will list everyone alphabetically. If there is a form for them (date of birth, place, family etc) it will have a link. Any names on that form will link to their form. At the moment they are in groups of 5 with no links. Note the ref number next to the name, go back to the main page and click on that group.

To view information click on one of the following :

Table of Names People Ref. No. 1 to 5 People Ref. No. 6 to 10 People Ref. No. 11 to 15 People Ref. No. 16 to 20
People Ref. No. 21 to 25 People Ref. No. 26 to 30 People Ref. No. 31 to 35 People Ref. No. 36 to 40 People Ref. No. 41 to 45
People Ref. No. 46 to 50

These tree's are being redone. Each name will include date of birth, death, marriage. At the moment they are saved in GIF format. This may change to JPEG.

These tree's are still being worked on and will be updated regularly. The one's in the "viewing table" are in colour so they are easy to follow family lines. The one's in the "print table" are the same picture, except they are in black and white. After you print them I suggest you use coloured highlighter pens to mark the different family lines.When you print set the printer to landscape with 5mm margins all around on A4 paper.

This table is for viewing the family tree :

Loughran Family Ryan Family Hines Family McIntyre Family Tremayne Family
Cherry Family Lloyd Family Grace Family (Almost)Full Family Tree

This table is for printing :

Loughran Family(new update 11/4/00) McIntyre Family Cherry Family Lloyd Family (Almost)Full Family Tree
Hines Family

You are Visitor Number

It is not a graphics intensive site. At the moment there are no photo's (hopefully in the next few months). There are only tables of information - date of birth, place, marriage, children etc - mostly on people who are dead. But I would like information on the living as well. So if you have it, please send it.

If you beleive you are related to anyone listed on this site or you have information relating to to anyone please email me at : adventure58@yahoo.com. I will update the information as soon as I receive and confirm it's accurracy. If you are listed on here and wish your details to be removed, please email me and I will do so. Please note that there are no personal contact details displayed anywhere on this site. If you wish to contact a listed person, please email me with your contact details and the name of the person you wish to contact and I will do my best to pass them on.
If you want to chat, when online I run yahoo messenger and msn messenger.

This page was lasted accessed and updated on
08 August 2008 at 9:00 pm AEST.