Here are a few other websites that I would love for you to visit.Help make a difference by supporting one of these causes.
SHOCKING VIDEOS!Watch some videos that were shot by PETA(People for Ethical Treatment for Animals) that explicitly show how animals are treated in industries.The latest is the video exposing the fate of animals in a firm in China, where they are skinned ALIVE in a gruesome manner.
Sign a petition to be forwarded to the Prime Minster of India and help save the Royal Bengal tiger.
Take a wild,fun-filled safari filled with awesome snaps of wild animals !
Turpentine Creek is committed to save the big cats in the world from certain extinction.See how you can help.
Check out how you help animals by just keeping yourself clean !
People for Animals is a voluntary organisation headed by noted animal rights activist,Maneka Gandhi
To help the tiger live until the 21 century,the Government of India initiated Project Tiger.
Oct 3 was World Animal Day!Visit WWF Online to celebrate and bring rhinos,whales,tigers and many more species to your desktop!
Fun stuff here!Check out the tiger section at WWF Online for quizzes,slideshows and great paper cut-outs.