Permanent Bracelets Letters to the Editor
Stories featuring permanent Symbols |
Permanent Symbols Page
This site is about permanent and semipermanent symbols and their special meaning to the wearer.So I thought that I would make one! I have always been intrigued with jewelry. When I was in college many many years ago a
girl, who sat next to me in one of my classes had a bracelet that looked like a bunch of screws.
As the semester progressed I noticed that she had it on every day, while the rest of her jewelry
changed daily. One day working on a group project I commented on how unusual it was and that
must be why she wore it every day. She floored me when she said it was a "prisoner of love" bracelet
and she could not take it off. It seems that her mother aunt and sisters all had them and screwed the
bracelet closed so she could not easily remove it. So she wore it to bed every night, in fact
she had worn it continuouly for a year. I thought this was the coolest thing I had ever heard of!
Today I know I should have asked her out if her family had enough money for several bracelets.
See the Cartier Love bracelet page to see the offical story. This site is dependent on your input so please use the email links. Watch for the "NEW"
Created on 1st of March 1999You are visitor No .