jill - 10/29/00 07:08:48 My URL:http://www.AtTheWell.com | Comments: I'm enjoying your website, especially like "A good story" about the door. |
Robert - 10/23/00 14:52:24 My Email:RJM49@netzero.net | Comments: Hi! You have a great website here. I came to your site from a link on the WXPZ listener pages. I noticed that one of my very good cyber friends has already been to your webpage, and that is Kristy from New Mexico(one4him@webtv.net). She is a great e-frien . Were you at Lambjam this year? I was and I loved it. I am also from Delaware. I live in Hartly. Well, take care and God Bless |
sky - 09/15/00 05:28:55 My Email:skyeberspace@webtv.net | Comments: Good Job as usual. I just love how God is working in your life to work in others :) Love you B! |
Betty - 08/04/00 04:29:21 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/chow_5/index.html | Comments: Hi Barb, thanks for visiting me & signing my guestbook. WOW you have a GREAT website yourself. I also have it bookmarked so I can visit often. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep up the great job! |
Sue Wheeler - 07/31/00 06:47:55 My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/suew40601/myhomepage/index.html My Email:suew40601@yahoo.com | Comments: You've done a great job on your homepage. Keep up the good work my friend. Love you, Sue |
angela hooper - 06/14/00 03:59:55 My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/angela.hooper My Email:angelslove7@webtv.net | Comments: love your page sis. keep up the good work. |
Barbara Moore - 06/01/00 02:27:35 My URL:http://community.webtv.net/fancyface36/ADaughtersLove My Email:fancyface36@webtv.net | Comments: I love your site. I can tell you have put a lot of work into it. I will be back to visit again |
George - 05/31/00 05:28:06 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/Spa/4508 My Email:gumba66@webtv.net | Comments: Hi This is one of the most rewarding sites i have ever been to.I enjoyed my stay and will come back to see more. Come visit my humble site and if you will sign my guestbook. God Bless. George |
Gail Plummer - 05/30/00 20:35:27 My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Dream_Angel54/WeAreWeakYetHeIsStron My Email:Dream_Angel54@webtv.net | Comments: I want to thank you first off, by stoping by my web page and taking the time to signg it. I also want to say you've got an awesome web page. I love it all. You've got so much to look at, it's hard to do it all in one visit. I guess this is good so peop e come back LOL!!You've got some wonderful pages dedicated to our Lord, I love them the most. Keep up the good work for our Lord, and keep up the good work on your pages.God Bless LoveYour Sister InChrist Gail |
Maisey - 05/29/00 14:08:39 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/ | Comments: Love your pages! I especially enjoyed looking through your recipies. I'll be back to check out what you are doing here. God Bless! |
Pamela - 05/13/00 14:31:37 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SaintPJ/index.html My Email:SaintPJ@webtv.net | Comments: Barb what a fantastic site this is. You have done a splendid work here. I can see that it was a labor of love. Very creative and wonderful graphics and content. Thanks for a great time! |
angela hooper - 05/10/00 05:29:36 My Email:angelslove7@webtv.net | Comments: just look at my new site i have and link me to yours. your page is nice. send me your address to your page so i can have my friend put your webpage on my page. love your page it helped me in my time of need. God bless you. |
Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 04/22/00 01:25:35 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rareearthwoman/ My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com | Comments: Nice site I am a All My children fan also. |
Kristy - 03/15/00 05:31:53 My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/uh_oh_oh_no/WherewereyouwhenI/ My Email:one4him@webtv.net | Comments: Wow Barb, You have an awesome web site. I have been back two times already, and will be back again. There is something for everyone. I've really enjoyed myself. Thanks for sharing it with us. Blessings, Kristy |
Dwain - 03/05/00 16:19:04 My URL:http://community.webtv.net/marsdust/centerMarsDusts/ My Email:marsdust@webtv.net | Comments: Hi!! Your site is great!! I enjoyed my visit & will be back again. :-) Dwain |
elle - 03/02/00 07:49:10 My Email:elle-p@webtv.net | Comments: hi ! wow this is the first time I ever noticed your name was a link! absolutely fabulous page! I have been to some of these links and they are great and for the ones I have not been to I will check them out! God Bless! love ya ! elle |
Butch321 - 02/27/00 03:21:32 My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/Route66/HeroTCC/ | Comments: hi Barb... Great Page you have here .... Keep up the great work |
White Horse - 02/26/00 20:07:23 My URL:http://white-horse.net My Email:WhiteHorse@white-horse.net | Comments: Howdy! What a GREAT web-site! I would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition; The White Horse Peace Trail. A FUN way to promote your web-site. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for March Contests from G-Rated (FAMILY-SAFE) Sites. IF your entire site IS G-Rated, Click On The Graphic. ![]() |
Richard 'Sloop' Kuhlman - 02/24/00 19:36:08 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sloop2_99/anamvet.html My Email:Tigersloopy@webtv.net | Comments: What a delightful web site you have here! Being a 'webber' myself, I can appreciate the tremendious amount of work you've done here. I was hoping to see some pics of your tanks. Although I'm an African cichlid fan, myself, I still love those big and beautiful Gold Sevrums. Good job! Sloop |
Bobbie Jo - 02/16/00 13:20:16 My Email:TeddieXOXO@aol.com | Comments: BJ- You have come a long way!! This is just too cool!! |
KC - 02/14/00 15:46:00 My URL:http://www.bornagainchat.com My Email:kc@bornagainchat.com | Comments: Great page! I am a sucker for recipes! Can't stand Sobe though. LOL You have worked hard! Keep it up! |
SheilaJaye - 02/11/00 04:55:21 My Email:Nevertoolateto@webtv.net | Comments: WOW! you have a very beautiful web site! Looks like you have really worked hard on it. God bless you |
Melinda - 02/06/00 03:27:57 My Email:Amber_007@webtv.net | Comments: I like your page it's really cool |
Helen & Robert Hamilton - 02/02/00
22:53:48 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~I_L_G_D_Y/scripture. html My Email:samirhham@webtv.net | Comments: Hello Barb--We just had a wonderful trip through many of your pages, they are very refreshing & interesting. We especilly enjoyed your Scripture pages & your obvious love for our LORD. GOD BLESS YOU--- HELEN & ROBERT |
MistyRain - 02/02/00 05:07:23 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/8371 My Email:cl@magnoliadesig ns.com | Comments: Great job on your site! I enjoyed my visit, still following some of your wonderful links now! *S* |
Kara - 01/28/00 22:35:09 My URL:http://www .geocities.com/kara_in_nj My Email:Milenium_Gal@web tv.net | Comments: Hi. Nice page. I love the background color on the main page! Keep up the good work. --Kara-- |
Starla - 01/27/00 07:44:16 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/starla/index.html | Comments: Awesome page you have here....I can tell you have put so much work into it...good luck with it : ) |
Bill - 01/25/00 05:13:47 My URL:http://www .angelfire.com/hi2/youAll | Comments: You have some great pages, i have 6 fishtanks, my baby is a 240 gallon one. I realy enjoyd my visit and will come back. Thanks for inviting me. |
Big Man - 01/20/00 20:30:31 My Email:sharkbite30@webtv .net | Comments: You have a very nice page and alot of interesting stuff. I've enjoyed checking it out. |
maisey - 01/13/00 19:36:09 My URL:http://w ww.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/ My Email:maiseyjo@webtv.net a> | Comments: wow you're page is great! I'm going to have a lot of fun checking it all out. Maisey |
maisey - 01/13/00 19:35:54 My URL:http://w ww.angelfire.com/mo/maiseyjo/ My Email:maiseyjo@webtv.net a> | Comments: wow you're page is great! I'm going to have a lot of fun checking it all out. |
Charles - 01/13/00 05:08:08 My URL:http://ww w.angelfire.com/ms/papagone My Email:papagone1@webtv.net | Comments: It`s a very nice page Didn`t have time to realy look at it though will be later to realy go over it |
Peggy Reese - 12/30/99 07:49:38 My URL:http://www.bornag ainchat.com My Email:crossfeeder@webtv | Comments: This is a very well done page.You are a very talented person .God's Blessings upon you my dear friend. |
Cathi : ) - 12/19/99 04:40:31 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills /9703/welcome.html My Email:Alwayz_a_lady@w ebtv.net | Comments: You have done an awesome job! I enjoyed my visit VERY much, and will be back. I put you in my favorites! Happy Holidays! Cathi : ) |
Sharon - 10/03/99 23:19:51 My Email:Sharonfromwa@web tv.net | Comments: What a very nice page I have really enjoyed it you did a very good job. God Bless You and Be With You Always. |
sky - 08/08/99 12:57:24 My Email:skyberspace@webtv .net | Comments: Hey you! wow, too cool B... I am so glad to hear what my sis sounds like too. You have a lovely voice and your page is kewl and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ. Of course I like the recipes :-) and cant wait to really explore. God bless my B ! |
james - 08/01/99 21:16:43 My Email:stonecstunner@w ebtv.net | Comments: nice page mom |
james - 08/01/99 21:10:36 My Email:stonecstunner@w ebtv.net | Comments: nice page mom |
Alan - 06/27/99 04:55:38 My Email:Amack@wildmail.com a> | Comments: I love fish too and enjoyed your page. |
Alan - 06/27/99 04:54:31 My Email:Amack@wildmail.com a> | Comments: I love fish too and enjoyed your page. |