Hi!! This page is devoted to my fish aquariums. I hope you will like it
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I have a total of 4 aquariums in my house right now. They are all full of fish.
This is a realy cool picture. Just had to add it in here.
In my bedroom I have a 10 gallon tank. In it is a great big Silver Dollar, which my brother traded me for an albino Oscar.There are also several tetras and a catfish in it.The stones are a multi color and there is a big volcano sand castle erupting in the middle of it.
I have a 20 gal. hexagon aquarium. It has sevral gromies, an algae eater, 2 great big black and silver sharks, a catfih, tetras, danios,and some neons. Just pretty common fish.It has a sunken shipwreck in the center with a partaly mirrored back, and tall plants reaching the top.There is also an areating diver and some beautiful white seashells.
I have a natural color stone with a few blue and red jewels mixed in. There is an english cottage in the middle and a few pieces of white coral and some plants. There is a bubble curtain along half of the back and a bubble disk buried on the other side. Swimming around in there I have a tinfoil barb, a channel catfish, a plecko, and a green sebrum. (He is about the size of a saucer) There is also a gold sebrum and a (beautiful blue) scollifara. Also another fish which looks like the scollifara, and she is a bright yellow.I also had 5 tetras in there but my Sebrum ~Joe~ ate them.
Even though they are all somewhat agressive fish, for now they are living in harmony together.