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Hi!! This page is devoted to my fish aquariums. I hope you will like it

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I have a total of 4 aquariums in my house right now. They are all full of fish.

This is a realy cool picture. Just had to add it in here.

Isn't that just beautiful? To me it looks so real I almost want to jump in.

As you can probably tell I love the water. I live on the east coast. I can't imagine living in the middle of the United States and never being able to go see the ocean. It has such a crisp clean and very refreshing smell. I love to go to the beach at night and just sit on the boardwalk and listen to the waves crashing and feel the cool ocean breeze on my face and in my hair. Often you can see lights from a distant boat off the coast of New Jersey- So far away. In the daytime the sounds of the seagulls and children playing and laughing. The aroma of great food drifting by. It's so peaceful and relaxing.

Well anyway I have 4 different fish aquariums in my home. One is just a little betta tank with a betta fish in it.

In my bedroom I have a 10 gallon tank. In it is a great big Silver Dollar, which my brother traded me for an albino Oscar.There are also several tetras and a catfish in it.The stones are a multi color and there is a big volcano sand castle erupting in the middle of it.

In my living room

I have a 20 gal. hexagon aquarium. It has sevral gromies, an algae eater, 2 great big black and silver sharks, a catfih, tetras, danios,and some neons. Just pretty common fish.It has a sunken shipwreck in the center with a partaly mirrored back, and tall plants reaching the top.There is also an areating diver and some beautiful white seashells.

Finally in the dining room I have a 55 gallon tank. It is my newest addition. And my favorite.

I have a natural color stone with a few blue and red jewels mixed in. There is an english cottage in the middle and a few pieces of white coral and some plants. There is a bubble curtain along half of the back and a bubble disk buried on the other side. Swimming around in there I have a tinfoil barb, a channel catfish, a plecko, and a green sebrum. (He is about the size of a saucer) There is also a gold sebrum and a (beautiful blue) scollifara. Also another fish which looks like the scollifara, and she is a bright yellow.I also had 5 tetras in there but my Sebrum ~Joe~ ate them.

Even though they are all somewhat agressive fish, for now they are living in harmony together.

Well thats about all for now. Check back for updates soon. I hope to add pictures of my tanks sometime in the future.

Feel free to look at my other pages. I hope you had an enjoyable time.