Here you will find lots of things. I have some recipes, FUN pages I have done myself and some links to where I have found information.
Have Fun!!
These are some links to some fun pages I have found.
State Of Delaware Home Page
SOBE ~Delicious Herbal Beverages~
Dasani Water
The Rainforest Cafe
Save the Rainforest
Vacation At A Dude Ranch
Take an African Safari
Justin Wilson -Cajun Cook
Smokey the Bear
Judge Judy
All My Children Daily Updates
Judge Mills Lane
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
James Garner Home Page
Little House On The Prairie Homepage
Loads of info. about pit bulls~My favorite dogs.
My favorite race car driver-John Force
Scriptures to help in times of need
Audio Bible--If you would rather hear the word of GOD it can be read to you.
That 70's Show
Southern Word Home Page-This is very funny
Real Prank Calls
This will say anything you want it to--even in other languages.
This is great to relax to
The Light FM - The best radio station
This is an f-key I am in the process of making. Check back again as it will be completed soon!.
Please sign my guestbook. Thanks.
I hope you have made it this far because I would like you to check out my other page. You can get there from the link below.
It's KQQL too!!!!