Welcome to the Home page of the Jones' of Marriottsville, Maryland (USA)
In our (people) family there's Meredith, Jonathan, Gwendolyn, Malcolm, & Nyssa.
We have five horses of our own (Mr. Clean, Mocha, Missy, and Dannie, Nyssa's new horse).
We live on a small horse farm in central Maryland, not too far from Baltimore or Columbia
Six cats call our farm home.  They enjoy chasing through the pastures and sleeping in the sun. (We'll find a better picture.)
We enjoy the wildlife in our neighborhood. We see deer, raccoons, foxes, turtles, birds, and lots of neat insects, like the ones shown here.
Nyssa has started playing Polo. Here is a neat shot I took of her practicing...
                                                                     ( Could this be Asian Long horn beetle?)
Our neighbor, Ron, had lots of buffalo. You should see them!  Well, he and they are long gone now. But they are a wonderful memory....
In our house we have pretty houseplants (like the Zygo-
cactus shown here). And, if they are good, our cats
come in for occational visits...
Some of us enjoy investing. Enter your stock symbol here. One we follow is GTE where Uncle Andrew works, another is  FUSE for Fuisz Technologies in Virginia. A third is GCTY, which is Geocities, of course! Well, now ALL of these are no longer valid. Time changes all, doesn't it? Try WVVI - Willamette Valley Vinyards - run by the talented Jim Bernau