The Slate Belt
To Be Christ's Hands and Heart...Together!
Comprising the Northeastern Pennsylvania Sector of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Bangor, Mount Bethel, Pen Argyl, Plainfield, Portland, Richmond, Wind Gap

Regularly Scheduled Meetings
for the
Slate Belt Ministerium
are convened on the 3rd Thursday of each month at noon,
September through May.
The meeting commences with a brown bag lunch
(though you may certainly vary the color of the bag)
with a host pastor providing refreshments at one of our local churches.
Each gathering features a period of devotion & reflection as we focus
upon the Source and Center of our life together in ministry.
Personal sharing is encouraged to see what is happening in our lives and churches and to determine if there are ways we can interface.
Odd numbered months afford us the opportunity to hear speakers from the larger community, county, or organization who:

Sub-committees on the Ministerium deal with many issues, among which are:
Social Services & Our Role in Providing Care
Violence in Society & Schools
Thanksgiving & Lenten Ecumenical Services
Stroke Prevention & Screening
Healthcare Network
Blood Drives
Ecumenical Pulpit Exchange
CROP Walk to Ease World Hunger
Advance Directives for Health Care

All Clergy and area people who possess an interest in the ongoing work of our group are invited to share in our gatherings.