A Little About Me!

I am employed in the 5th District Congressional Office of Congressman Virgil Goode, Jr., who is serving his second term in the House of Representatives. He is a conservative Independent. I am a caseworker, which means I help constituents work through the red tape involved in getting assistance through Social Security, Department of Veterans Affairs, Immigration and Naturalization, and other federal agencies. I really enjoy my job and it gives me an opportunity to use my counseling skills, which I learned in graduate school.

I worked for the two previous congressmen from my district. Dr. Jack Hayes, Jr., has written a book about the first Congressman I worked for called Dan Daniel and the Persistence of Conservatism in Virginia . It is available through bookstores or Mercer University Press in Macon, Georgia. Email me if you'd like additional information.

I received my Master of Science in Education, Community and College Counseling on December 17, 1997 from Longwood College. I did my internship in career counseling at the Counseling Center at Danville Community College.

I enjoy computers, photography, calligraphy, and making greeting cards on the computer or stamp art embossing. I also enjoy photography. You can find some samples of my photography on the tribute page for my dad.

I also enjoy reading. My favorite authors are John Grisham, Patricia Cornwell , Mary Higgins Clark, and Sue Grafton.

My favorite place is the Cherry Grove section of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I would love to move to there some day. Take a virtural tour of Myrtle Beach. Another favorite place is the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, especially Patrick County.

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