Ko`u Huaka`i i Ka Pae `Äina o Hawai`i

My Trip to the Hawaiian Islands


Eia ka mo`olelo pökole e pili ana i ko`u huaka`i hou i ka pae moku. Huaka`i akula i O`ahu a i Moloka`i. Ua holo ko`u no`ono`o e hele i ka moku o Pi`ilani. Nui nä makahiki i hala ai ko`u `ike `ole iä Maui. No `umikumamakahi makahiki i huaka`i ai au i ia mokupuni. Ua lohe au e ulu nei ka holomua ko laila. Ua maopopo pono ia`u ke hö`ea ma Maui, e `ike ana wau i ka holomua.

Ma hope `elua hola ma O`ahu, ha`alele akula wau i Maui. Pü`iwa `ia no ka `ikena o ke kahua ho`olulu mokulele me 2 papahele. Nui nä malahini e huaka`i ai i Maui. Eia kekahi `e a`e, makemake `ia e hana i ko kahua ho`olulu mokulele alanui lö`ihi. Auë, ähea e ho`opau ai ka holomua?

Ua ho`okipa wau i ko`u hoahänau, `o Teresa kona inoa e noho nei i Ha`ikü, kokoke i Makawao. Kapa `ia këia kahi `o "Up Country" e ka po`e i laila no ke ki`eki`e paha o ka `äina, (he koho) a no ka holomua `ole. Nui nä paniolo ma `ane`i. Ua like me ku`u home i ke kula o Kualapu`u. `Ülölohi ka manawa, nänea ka nohona a hiki ke honi i ko holoholona kükae. Hu, ke onaona o ka nahele i ia kula o Makawao!

This is about my trip back to Hawai`i. Instead of my normal stop on O`ahu where I like to spend most of my time and on Moloka`i where I was raised, I decided to make a short stop on the island of Maui. I haven't been there since 1988. I heard how much it has changed and believe me, I was surprised to see so much development.

So after stopping in Honolulu on O`ahu for a couple of hours, I was off to Maui. First thing I noticed was that the airport now consisted of 2 levels in order to accomodate those DC-10s which comes in directly from the mainland. How sad! And now they want to extend the runway, since it is rather short for those huge planes. Urbanization will never cease!

I stayed at my cousin Teresa's place in Ha`ikü, next to Makawao. The locals call that "Up Country" being that elevation is higher up (I guess) and that it is more of a country side. Many paniolos (cowboys) live in Makawao. It reminded me of home, slower pace and the smell of cow & horse manure. Ah, smell of the country of Makawao!

He hale nui këia. Pü`iwa maila i ka `ikena o ko ko`u hoahänau hale. Noho wale ma loko o ka hale ko`u hoahänau a me kana käne a me ka läua keikikane kolohe a me kekahi `ilio. `A`ohe pau ke kükula o ia hale nui akä `oia mau ko hale nani.

This is the mansion I stayed at. You should have seen my face as I was driving up towards the house. I thought I had the wrong place. But no, my cousin Teresa, her husband Don & their son Tomás along with a dog are the sole dwellers of this enormous house. It's not done, but still beautiful.