Thinking of you always!

Twin Boys Sent from Heaven!

          John Eddison, Jr. and Alex Hunter Goodman



Born March 9, 1998

Our Story: My name is Gina and my husband is John.
We were married July 19, 1996. Both of us have children
from previous marriages however, we were eager to
expand our family. Therefore, we started trying to conceive
right away. Upon both of us having some preliminary
fertility testing, the doctors told us that without artificial
insemination we would not be able to conceive. It was our
decision to have very little modern medicine intervention.
However, we did agree to a low level fertility drug,
Clomid. I took Clomid in March and May of 1997,
without any luck. Do to my medical problems, the doctor
would only allow those two doses. There was little hope of
conception. We prayed to God that we would be
blessed with a healthy baby. The Lord did bless us,
in June we conceived. We found out of the conception
the week before our first year anniversary. On our way out
of town, to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, I had
an OB appointment to confirm the positive blood,
pregnancy test taken earlier in the week. The doctor
decided to do an ultrasound, but it was too soon to see the
fetus, only the sac was visible, so another ultrasound was
scheduled in 2 weeks. The second ultrasound showed one
baby, everything looked normal and I was about 6 weeks
along. The pregnancy was fairly uneventful. Although,
it was nothing like my first pregnancy at all. I was sick
constantly for the first 4 months. I gained weight very
quickly. At our 5 month check up we asked the nurse to
look for 2 heart beats, she tried, but found only one
heartbeat. We mentioned to the doctor and the nurse that
I thought there was more than one baby. They said no;
everything was on target for a singleton pregnancy. We
asked for an ultra-sound, but since I had already had
2 in the first trimester, the doctor wanted to wait until I
was about 32 weeks along. Could you imagine the surprise
and excitement at our 32-week check up and ultrasound
when we saw 2 babies? The doctor and his nurse were
shocked and we were elated. We were so excited and
happy, we both wanted twins so badly. I had prayed, daily
for a healthy baby and if the good Lord would bless us
with two or more, that would be wonderful. But, above all I
prayed for a healthy baby or babies. We did not want to
know the sex of our babies, but the doctor and nurse
couldn't resist the temptation (they didn't tell us). The
doctor assured us all looked well, both babies were
growing well and to come back in 2 weeks for another
ultrasound. We were the last appointment of the day and
left the OB's office around (6:15PM). By 9:00PM that
night, the whole world new we were having twins. Twins
were truly a most awesome gift from God. We were
truly blessed. At the next check up and ultrasound all was
well. Both babies were breach, so a cesarean would
probably be necessary. Again, come back in 2 weeks for
another ultrasound. The same as the last 2, all is fine. The
babies are still breach. We scheduled the c-section for
March 9, 1998. Sunday, March 8, 1998, we went to church
as usual. Our Sunday school class had a special prayer
for our new arrivals. The congregation seemed nearly as
excited and happy as we were. After very little sleep that
night, we arrived at the hospital at 6:30 AM. We were
checked into a labor and delivery room and had a train
of nurses and doctors poking and prodding me and
the babies. We were hooked up to various machines, so as
to monitor heartbeats and such. Everything looked great.
At approximately 8:00AM we were wheeled into the
operating room. Insertion of the epidural took longer than
expected but worked great. We were about to begin.
There were approximately 16-20 doctors and nurses
preparing or assisting with the delivery. I remember my
OB and nurses laughing and joking, everyone was happy
and excited. Then, the OB said here comes your son.
At 9:32 AM John Eddison Goodman, Jr. was born.
He was beautiful and crying. Here comes baby number
two, another son. Alex Hunter Goodman was born at
9:33 AM. Someone said your sons are beautiful and perfect.
Two parents could not have been happier or more proud
than we were at that moment. God blessed us
with two beautiful sons.

                           Please go to the next page to hear more of our story.

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My Brothers

My NEW Baby Brother - Drew

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