Great News
I've made the statement for years that there would be more people in heaven
that don't go to church than those that do.
In the same respect I've met many people in my life who don't go to church
or call themselves christians that would give their last dollar
to help someone that needed it.
They never pass someone broke down on the side of the road,
and they're the first ones on the scene when someone needs help.
THIS is the nature of God in a person.
The Great News Ministries is non denominational and non traditional.
As for me I'm a former fundamentalist, turned agnostic,
turned to faith.
The purpose of this ministry is not to save anyone,
only to teach the true word of God.
Jesus does the saving, the holy spirit does the calling,
no one can come to Christ unless the father sends them to him.
Contrary to popular belief no one can accept Christ, Christ has to accept you.
Christ is only going to accept the ones the holy spirit seeks out.
The ones God chose before the foundations of the world.
The churches are full of those that God didn't choose,
all of them claiming to have accepted Jesus.
How do we know if we are one of the ones God chose?
Chances are, if you are interested in God's word and the things of God,
there is a good chance that you are.
The ones that God didn't choose are not interested in the things of God.
We are saved by grace. A free gift given to us by God based on our faith,
not by any act of rightousness that brings condemnation.
This is a message that is no longer in the church.
Paul said follow me as I follow Christ.
I'm not looking for anyone to follow me, and I'm not startinga cult.
I don't really care if anyone believes what I write...
I expect anyone that doubts what I wrote to research the scriptures
and prove me wrong if they can.
[Fundamentalists not included, they always have verse taken out of context
to prove their rightousness or your condemnation.]
I've spent 40 years proving preachers wrong by scripture.
All cost of these newsletters are paid for by myself [so far],
which has proved to be an expensive process.
Thank you for visiting, and please come again.

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