Great News Ministry

Nicodemas was already living by what most born again christians live by
when Jesus told him he needed to be born again.
He was living by the law of God and was very religious.
You find most born again christians live by fundamentalism,
none live by the law of God.

If Jesus came back tomorrow would he tell the born again christians they had to be born again?

Actually Jesus didn't tell Nicodemas that he had to be born again,
the greek means born from above,
or born again from above.

The great News Ministry is a teaching ministry.
The purpose of this ministry is not to save anyone,
[Jesus does the saving, the holy spirit does the calling.]
or to convert anyone, only to teach the true word of God.
This ministry is non-denominational and non-traditional.

The fact that we are saved by the grace imputed to us by our faith and trust in God
and our faith in his son Jesus Christ,
and not by works or any acts of self righteousness,
is a message that is no longer in the church.

We are saved by grace and grace alone, unmerited favor,
something that we don't deserve.
If we are worthy of anything from God it would be merited and therefore not grace.

These newsletters will be sent out about every two months.
If you would like to be put on the mailing list,
send you name, address, and/or email address to
The Great News Ministry at the address below.
If you would like study notes and bible verses on any subject
including definitions to greek and hebrew words,
send your request to the address below.
Postage and printing is an expensive process,
if you would like to help, send your offerings to
Pastor J.C. Summers.

The articles in these news letters are not a result of haphazzard guess work,
or a result of taking a few verses out of context as so many preachers do.
These articles are a result of many years of research
and reflection of the word of God.

I have at times spent many hours researching one single word
to make absolutely sure I thouroughly understood the meaning of what I was reading.

~Thank you, and may God bless you~

The Great News Ministry
P.O. box 739
Dearing, Georgia