
Is the bible reliable? Absolutely.
The discrepencies between the the oldest
and newest greek manuscripts amount to about 5%.
Most of the mistakes are a result of errors in copying.
In some cases it was words or verses inserted
or deleted to support someones belief.
Sometimes it was a case of, if it doesn't say it, it should...
so the text was edited to support this theory.

Contrary to popular belief,
the King James bible was not issued to Adam in the garden of eden
and reissued to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Any bible is only a translation of the existing greek and hebrew manuscripts,
the way the translators understood it.
Usually the translation is influenced by the translators beliefs.

For teaching purposes I use the New International
version because it is easier for the average person to understand.
I always compare it to a greek interlinear manuscript
and sometimes the King James version
to insure accuracy.

The King James bible is as accurate as any other bible
if you keep these things in mind...

(1) Salvation comes by faith and faith alone.
Grace is not a gift from God based on our performance,
But the performance of Christ.
The rightousness of Christ is imputed to us based on our faith,
not our works.
The only christian works that are from God and accepted by God
are in accordance with God's standard.
Love God with all your heart and soul,
mind and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt 22:37 Mark 12:30 LK 10:27

Anything else are things taught by man or scripture taken out of context.
The understanding of any bible has to be based on GOD'S standard.
Anything else is text without content.

(2) The words in italics are words added by the translators.
Any verse should be read without the words in italics first.

(3) You should always read the alternative words in the margin
or center column if your bible has one.
Most of the time the alternative words are the most accurate.

(4) You should completely ignore the book of James.
The book of James is contrary to the teachings of the entire New Testament.
The book of James does not contain one single word of gospel
and is the basis of 90% of the false teachings
and misunderstandings of the bible.

James was the head of the judaizers.
The Judaizers were the ones that prompted Paul
to write the epistle to the Galations.
They went behind Paul and taught new christians
that they could not go to heaven unless they were circumcised
and follow the laws of Moses.

Kind of like the teachers today.
Jesus saves but you have to work and do do this
and don't do and don't do and don't do that
or you will never go to heaven.
Well the Do Do pushers will get their just deserts.

Whether you believe what I write or not is not my concern.
I can't save anyone,
I can only teach the true word of God.
The holy spirit does the calling,
Jesus does the saving.
No one can come to the father unless the spirit draws him.
No one can come to Christ unless the father sends them to him.

If you try to work your way to heaven,
when you die you are going to be a few dollars short
of the admission fee.
In other words, if you try to work your way to heaven,
you'll never get to heaven.

Most of the founding fathers agreed that the book of James
should not be included in the bible.
Martin Luther, the founder of the protestant religion said,
there was not a word of gospel in it.

Isn't it strange that the so called full gospel churches
start with the book of James.
That contains no gospel, and compare every other verse in the bible to it.
The book of James is the only fundamentalist book in the New Testament.
The validity of the testamony has to rely on the testamony
of two or more witnesses.
Although the other authors of the New Testament do somewhat agree
to a point, no other book in the New Testament agrees with James.
So based on God's own word, the book of James has to be wrong.

Because Paul wrote two thirds of the New Testament
some of his teachings don't agree with the other authors.
But he does agree with the teachings of Christ and the rest of the bible.
James agrees with no one.

If there was any truth at all to the book of James
being the christian standard,
God would have seen to it that there was more scripture
by different authors written to support James.
This is called inherant truth.
The same truth that can be used to prove that Jesus died on the cross
and was raised on the third day.

Every apostle except John died a horrible death telling this story.
All they had to do to save their lives was to recant,
and say it was a lie.
None of them would have died the death they suffered for a lie
especially not all of them.

Since the textus recepticus greek manuscript that was used
by the King James translators, some 24,000 different greek manuscripts
and pieces of manuscripts have been found.
At the time of the King James translation,
satan thought he had all but destroyed all of the older manuscripts.
Over the centuries he had managed to inject enough in to the text
to support fundamentalism.
Only to find that God had preserved his true word
to be revieled in the latter days.

As I wrote earlier in this article, the difference
between the older and newer text adds up to about 5%.
No other document in the world can make that claim.

Isn't the power of God amazing?
Every time satan thinks he's won the battle,
God sends in more troops and ammunition.

People read the bible their whole lives
and never realize that the scribes and pharasees
that Jesus was always rebuking were fundamentalist.