I Love My Cat!

Hello my name is Puss-Puss. I am really a good cat, it's just I get into a little trouble now and then. I can't really help it because it is just my nature! "Look at it this way, at least I don't eat the bird" What more could you want from me? I like to snuggle but only at night. I have too many other things to worry about all day.
My owners adopted me from the animal shelter and I went to live with them on the 5th of June in 1999. I must have grown awfully fast because I barely remember my kittenhood. They took away my front claws but I don't mind at all, I just use my teeth a little more! It is the other things they took away that really bother me. You know (my family jewels).
Being a cat isn't easy, I always have to think up things to make my owner's life more interesting and exciting! Things like scooping cat litter all over the floor, where to hide the keys and crawling inside the dryer, eating all the green plants I can get my little jaws on and surprising people when they least expect it! Not to mention puking up hair balls! It is really hard work, I think I'll go take a cat nap now!

This is me looking really cute! I'm pretending to relax!

Now I'm sitting in a cake box, too bad the cake is gone!
The End