Yooper Hatchery


Where We Live
Photo Album
Favorite Links

Welcome to the Yooper Hatchery!
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We are hatching 24 chicken eggs as a family project and science fair project!  We ordered eggs and supplies from Murray McMurray Hatchery.  We received the eggs and placed them in our incubator the afternoon of April 30th. 

We are keeping a journal, posting some photographs and providing some interesting links.  Explore our site and share
in our project!

We live in the Hiawatha National Forest in the heart of Michigan's Upper Peninsula (the U.P., that's where the term "Yooper" comes from) and our house overlooks beautiful AuTrain Lake.  We're just minutes away from Lake Superior sand beaches, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and Grand Island National Recreation Area.

            The Herstad's



send mail to herstad@tds.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright©1999 Kevin Herstad