Since Sophie is just a young thing, I guess I, (her VERY proud mommy), will have to tell her story. Although, as she is one of those "I do it Momma!" sort of gals, if I gave her a chance she would be right up here pounding the keyboard doing her own little thing. But then I guess not too many of you would understand a single word (or babble) of it. So I will do the honors, with pleasure!
My beautiful Sophie  came to me from the Peoples Republic of China. I had always wanted children but it just didn't happen. But you know there is something to be said about fate. There was a reason why I had not become a Mommy yet, and that reason was Sophie.

She was born in Dec. 1996 in the Anhui Province in the city of WuHu, which sits on the shores of the Yangzi River. She was found on a very cold winter night, on the same day they think that she was actually born on. Her little body was almost frozen. They brought her to the WuHu orphanage where they bathed her in very warm water to try to get her bodys temperature up to normal. She is such a strong willed little survivor. She was named Wu LaiFeng which means "come Phoenix bird". Which I was told by the Chinese that if the Phoenix bird (or the real life conterpart- the Peacock) lands on your home it will bring you much happiness and goodluck. She has indeed brought me and everyone around her so much happiness. And I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have such a precious little girl.

She is happy, healthy, and very strong minded. Everyday she makes us laugh, and everyday she amazes us with all the new little things she has learned. She has grown so much since I met and held her for the first time in China back on Jan. 14th of '98. She is truly the love of my life.

I hope you enjoy our web page and please come back and visit as I may get better at this stuff and you might even enjoy it more. Don't forget to check out Sophies photo album if you want to see my little cutie.
If you interested in a cute polar fleece childrens poncho with appliqued Panda bears, dragons, ladybugsd and more please check out my web page to the left.
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Handmade polar fleece ponchos and blankets
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