Cheryl's Pcos page
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS Women with pcos have had to deal with obesity, infertility and low self-esteem

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS Women with pcos have had to deal with obesity, infertility and low self-esteem. Women with PCOS(PolyCystic Ovaries) or Stein-Levintal Syndrome have heard that it is all in our head. There is not much wrong with us. But, the research that the medical field is finding is that there is a problem. It is not just a fertility problem. I was diagnosed with Stein-Levintal Syndrome when I was 13 years old. My mother was told to consider herself lucky, I would not be bringing home a baby at 16. And they were right, I was infertile. But, with the blessing from God and a good doctor, I was blessed with a wonderful little boy on June 18, 1994. On my pages I hope you will some helpful links to help you understand more about PCOS and the effects it can have on women and their families. It is a condition that affects 6% of  women in the US. And most of the time it is not noticed by the medical society.

It can effect not only the our bodies but the way we feel about the world. And also, we have to remember that our partners in life may not understand what we are going through. I am one of the lucky ones, my husband has stood beside through all of the evil mood swings, the increases in weight, and the difficulties in conceiving. It is not all in our heads, there is actually a problem.

One of the ways to combat PCOS is to get the information out to the world.

Here are some links that can be very usefull to help you understand PCOS.

PCOS Support

Info on Pcos

Houston Metro Area PCOSupport chapter

 More Links On PCOS

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