Praise Festival Logo

Opens 3 P.M. Friday, May 28 - Noon, Sunday, May 30, 1999
Nordmont Christian Camp
Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

FREE Attendance is FREE - No charge to attend FREE
Camp Sites & Bunk House Beds FREE
Go to Registration Form Musical Groups at Festival MAP Prayer Room
Christian Links Creation Science Links Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle Endless Mountains Ministries
Endless Mountains Majesty
Endless Mountains Music
Vision '99
PA Visitors Network
Please visit often. Information will be added as it becomes available.

Since this is our first year, please fill out a Registration Form so we can have an idea how many are planning to attend.

Sullivan County, Pennsylvania is the garden spot of the universe. The county is 35% state forest, fish commission land or state parks (100,000 acres). The terrain is mountainous with narrow valleys. Crystal clear streams flow down to the Susquehanna River valleys. It is often our prayer that the Holy Spirit will flow through the valleys as the streams do; and on Memorial Day weekend we will raise a joyful noise to the Lord. Please join us and praise God in song, dance and worship.


Friday, May 28
Arrival - 3 pm
Bunk House - 30 single bunk beds for males, 30 for females (not coed.)
Tent & RV Camp Sites Registration Form
Bunk House beds by reservation only. Registration Form
Bring your linens, sleeping bags, blankets, toiletries, and lawn chairs.
Coffee, soda, snacks & hot food served throughout weekend.
Proceeds from the purchase of food benefit the Nordmont Christian Camp.
Friday evening music for youth and the young at heart. Musical Groups
Hot showers available to all.
Nurse on duty 24 hours

Saturday, May 29
10 A.M. PRAISE AND WORSHIP SEMINAR - WORSHIP: Why we do the things we do.
10 A.M. - P.M. CHILD DAY CAMP for kids 5-10 years old.
1-5 pm Southern Gospel & Contemporary Christian Music Musical Groups
6 pm-until, Youth oriented Christian Music & Christian Rap Musical Groups

Sunday, May 30
Chapel Service - Culmination of two weeks of County Wide Concentrated Worship
Camp closes at Noon

Misc. Items
No alcohol, drugs or firearms.
Medical facilities 5 miles; two regional trauma facilities one hours drive - both have life flight helicopters.
In case of emergency at home call 570-946-7121
Love offerings will help with expenses.
Rain or shine - No rain date

Questions concerning the Praise Festival call 570-946-7121
E-mail: Nordmont Christian Camp



Click for Williamsport, Pennsylvania Forecast

Prayer Room

Anyone who wishes to add your Christian oriented, Sullivan County site-link to this page - please send site address to Creation Photo-graphics™.

We would appreciate you adding a link from your page to this page. The address is:

Please tell your parents, pastor, friends, church & denomination administrator, youth group: just tell everyone you know.

Area residents:
We are still in need of: paper products, free advertising, big tents.
We want to have an ambulance and doctor on duty 24 hours. We need ambulance attendants and doctors.
We also need child care volunteers.

Our sincere thanks to the musical groups who have donated their services and to Pennsylvania Visitors Network for the links and free publicity.

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