This is my homepage where you will find some information about me and some of my favourite links.
Well, to start with, my name is Donna aka scorpig, or scorpig_98 depending on where I am at the time. I live in Sydney, NSW, Australia....that's why I chose this background and the song.
I am a 36 year old single mother with an 12 year old son named Ryan.
As for my hobbies, I enjoy playing games and chatting with friends online that I have met on the internet. I mostly play RPG, sim (like the Sims 2 and tycoon games) and strategy games on my PC and chat with friends on AIM, MSN messenger and on occasion Yahoo messenger and ICQ.
I have had fun playing MuD games over the years, like Edge of Creation (a SMAUG based MUD), Lurking Fear 2 and 3 (World of Darkness based MUD), Eaxia and Dragonrealms which are text based games.
To check out these games go to
The Sims 2 or DragonRealms
When I get the opportunity for a night out I like to go to a karaoke show, singing is one thing I really love to do. I also like just spending time with friends.
If you can spend time reading this page, PLEASE take the time to sign my Guestbook at the bottom of this page. THANKS.
Some of my favourite links for graphics are:

These links are for the graphics I use on my pages.
I am a proud member of Heartland Select and its webring. You can find the webring graphic on my Webrings page as well as all the others I am a proud member of. You can click the graphic below to visit the Heartland Select homepage.

I applied a while back to the Heartland Critique and Review Committee but just hadn't gotten around to putting my graphic on my pages, so here it is.... 8-)

I Come from A Land Down Under BY MEN AT WORK.
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