Bridge City High School Class of 1980

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Class of 1982.
BCHS alumni home page for all years
Bridge City

Last updated on Febuary 10, 2000

Welcome to the home page of the Bridge City high School Class of 1980. Please help by sending information to me that eveyone would enjoy seeing.

Help us with this page! If you have any information, pictures or ideas please send them to me

NOTICE the link that says "eMail list of everyone", this is a list of all email addresses that I know of. If you know of any mistakes then please let me know. There are 66 email addresses, this represents 3 faculty members and 66 students (3 addresses are for couples).

Y2R The year 2000 reunion is aproaching! The reunion planning has begun! … the Beaumont Hilton has been reserved on July 29 for the main event.

Here’s an update on the reunion for the web site. I will also forward a list of names of “missing people” for you to publish in about two weeks.
Friday, July 28 - Beaumont Hilton, Social - “Gather round the Pool”, 7:00 - 10:00, snacks - cash bar
Saturday, July 29 - Family Picnic - 11:00 - 2:00, bring your own lunch and family! Location TBA
Saturday, July 29 - Beaumont Hilton, Dinner/Dance - 6:30pm - 2:00am
I’ll send you more when we get it all finalized.

Can you find your first grade class picture? If you can, please scan it and send it to me. I found mine of Mrs. Moffet's class at Hatton and I will post it here in the future.