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Cross stitch Here you'll find everything about cross stitch including beginners pages, tips and tricks, gallery of my work, free patterns, projects pages plus a whole lot more. 
Latest addition to the Projects Page, Padded preserving jar lids.  Easy to make, free pattern plus lots of ideas for great gift giving.
Links Page All my favorite links in one place.  You can also find topic specific links pages through the main headings above.
Art Discovery - Online Gallery
A few early bits of artwork.  Everything from coloured pencil to watercolour.

I live in New Zealand aka Aotearoa 'land of the long white cloud' with my husband and daughter.  We love New Zealand with it variety of scenery and its smallish size.  It is a beautiful country of extremes, it has cold snowy mountains and hot beautiful beaches alot of native bush, thermal regions, lakes and rivers.

I have many hobbies such as gardening which I really love.  (Hope to add some info about my garden soon) In particular I am growing vegetables.  I am also a major
cross stitch addict, scrapbooker, crafter, card maker - anything that I can make is fun!  I also enjoy art and keep tropical fish.