Welcome to my Guestbook!

Robert J. Ruhf - 05/22/00 01:54:21
My URL:/x98ruhf/
My Email:ruhf@usa.net
Favorite movie: Shadowlands
Favorite author: Stephen Lawhead
Favorite music group: All Together Separate
Favorite sport: Baseball

Way cool pictures! I loved looking through the history of your lives in the form of photos! I haven't gotten through all of the pictures yet, but I will return again!

Ethan bowles - 04/13/00 16:58:07
My Email:Ethan@thebowles.com
Favorite movie: Mission To Mars
Favorite music group: SuperTones
Favorite sport: Soccer

The Best sociol studies teacher is Mr. Weigand and the best math teacher is Mrs.Shilstra and Mrs.Hayward.

joe mcintyre - 04/13/00 16:56:26
My Email:tiffandjoe39487@cs.com
Favorite movie: scream
Favorite author: dont no
Favorite music group: dont no
Favorite sport: soccor

the best math teacher in the world

Jeff - 02/03/00 22:10:06
My Email:Provokerxi@aol.com
Favorite movie: Patton
Favorite music group: Static X
Favorite sport: Football

Hey, Mr. Boersma nice web page.

Pris & Dave & Mom - 12/31/99 01:35:58
My Email:pboersma@Juno.com

We had fun looking at your pictures with Mom. She's here for dinner tonight. We didn't have quite enough time to finish, though. That downloading takes time!

Kim - 12/11/99 21:19:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6665/index.htm
My Email:micknkim@one.net.au
Favorite movie: Jim Careys/Steven Segals...to many to choose from
Favorite author: dont have one
Favorite music group: Silverchair...Ultra....etc
Favorite sport: Vigaro

Hey there....damn good webpage. So where are you from...or did I miss that! LOL! Anyway, stop by some time and visit mine. Chow

sigge - 10/03/99 23:05:01
My URL:http://go.to/sigge
My Email:sigge1@telia.com
Favorite music group: Beatlia.Ha,ha
Favorite sport: ???????????


Cristin Boersma - 05/11/99 20:52:32
My Email:crisboers@juno.com
Favorite movie: Gone with the Wind
Favorite author: A prayer for Owen Meany
Favorite music group: Indigo Girls
Favorite sport: Hiking

Well, I think you did a good job not pulling out too many embarrassing Blackmail photos. (Although the 40th anniversary has never been a favorite.) You have really adorable children.

HOLLY - 04/22/99 20:08:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/6818/
My Email:longnosehairs@Yahoo.com
Favorite movie: Ever After
Favorite author: Roald Daul
Favorite music group: KINGS X
Favorite sport: Wrestling&Soccer

hi? yo? whatz UP? you are a meat head YOU ROCK TOO MAN!

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